by Apollo
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every organism and object in the Universe. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This “auric egg” emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. You can also expand your Aura to a larger size by intending it to do so. Say to fill a room. So the Aura is not limited to a certain size.
The human aura is constantly changing in shape like a flame or waves of hot air. Each person has an individual pattern and a specific mix of colors which is always present. For example, aura shape, size and color content are dramatically different for a sick person than that of a healthy person. As you become sensitive to etheric electromagnetic fields, you can learn to recognize an individual’s aura among hundreds of others, much like a fingerprint.
You may ask, well if we have this energy field around us, why can’t we see it? The reason why we cannot see the aura is because our eyes are acclimated and trained to perceive only things that are physical. We are not trained to see things that are in the non-physical worlds or the worlds of spirit. And that is where the human aura exists. For instance ghosts and spirits live in these non-physical worlds as well which is why most cannot see them. But psychics and clairvoyants have their ESP senses developed so they can see spirits as well as see auras.
These non-physical worlds we are referring to are called dimensions or parallel universes. In the science of metaphysics, the physical world is classified as the 3rd Dimension. The aura extends itself and finds its life in a spirit world known as the 4th Dimension or the Astral Plane. This dimension is right next to our own Physical 3rd Dimension. So, not only are we physical beings with a physical body, but a part of us is also extended into and expresses itself in this spirit world of the 4th Dimension. And that part of ourselves that extends to the 4th Dimension is called the aura.
What the Aura Shows
So you may be wondering “how do I express myself in the aura?” The aura in essence is an experiencing device just like your physical body is. The aura is the part of yourself that expresses your emotions. It expresses itself when you are thinking or when having spiritual experiences. The aura is in essence composed of several layers of subtle bodies or sheaths that contain and express these experiences.
These different subtle bodies can get wounded just like the physical body and can be healed by stimulating the etheric matter that makes up the aura. Shamans and healers heal the aura by bringing in higher light frequencies through their hands to heal parts of the aura that is weakened. This prevents the “disease” from lodging in the physical body which then cause sickness.
The Aura, your energy field, is a key to your personal power and your healing! Our resident Metaphysician Apollo will show you simple and yet powerful techniques to kick start your path to seeing, feeling, sensing the Auric Field, and how to work with it in vibrational healing using light, colors and sound as well as stones and crystals. Learn how to see the Aura with Apollo! Join Us!