by Apollo
We are magical creatures capable of being born into a body, living a life and then passing on to yet another body and living yet another life! After our physical bodies expire we, as souls, never die. We shed our external layer which is our physical bodies, though our energies transform, our basic self, our thoughts, desires and spiritual levels remain with us. We are living souls collecting experiences, having relationships, learning lessons and evolving into something greater than we ever thought possible, a Divine Being!
The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin which literally means “entering the flesh again”. It has served as an integral part of many of the world’s greatest religions as well as being taught in all the great mystery schools throughout history. For nearly 300 years even Christianity embraced Reincarnation until the church expunged it as heresy! In the words of Saint Gregory: “It is absolutely necessary that the soul shall be healed and purified, and if it doesn’t take place in one life on earth, it must be accomplished in a future earthly life!”
The mechanics of Reincarnation vary depending on the spiritual system you believe in, but it basically goes like this:
Once you pass from this world you end up on the astral plane where you review the life you just lived and go to “schools in spirit” to learn and prepare for your next life. Our souls know when the time is right to return to Earth to master lessons, balance karma, to heal or to carry out a unique mission. But once it’s decided that it is time to return, the soul is put through a process of some kind where upon the next life and all the necessary experiences to learn and grow are decided. You choose your parents, your siblings and the kind of work that you will do.
Once we are born, we are forced to forget what happened in the astral as well as what happened in previous lifetimes. This is because through experiences that we have, the goal is to make us remember who we really are “Beings of light!” through those very experiences! It is much like an athlete who is trained to perform at a certain level. But once he competes, he, in a sense, must “forget” his training and just do it. He must not over think his performance but experiences it as body memory. He then flows in the performance rather than thinking about it too much based on his memory of the planning and training he received. It is not enough to book learn the lessons. We must walk through life and gain knowledge through experiences which allows the lessons to get burned into the soul, allowing the being to shift his or her vibration to rise to higher dimensions of consciousness.
In the early stages of soul evolution you live your life unaware of the fact that you are an incarnating soul that has lived before. Then after lifetimes you begin to understand more of who you are and that you set it all up purposely before you came here. You move from being a victim to being empowered. Then you start not only using this life as a lesson giver, but also past lives as lesson givers to begin to get the big picture of your existence. This awareness then causes you to rise in consciousness and to “jump” off the wheel of Karma where you have learned all your lessons and will not need to reincarnate!
In Modern Psychology when people are working through their issues they can generally track the beginnings of neuroses to past events that happened in childhood. By remembering the past we heal the present which can aide us in creating a better future. But some of us can hit brick walls in trying to heal the issues that plague our souls. The reason is because we have memories and suffer from conditioned beliefs from past lives that also need to be cleared. This is the value of Past Life Regression Therapy where those issues are revealed and healed!
Vision Quest is hosting an, “Evening of Past Life Readings” by our resident Metaphysician Apollo. By learning who we were in the past we can learn who we are now and who we can be in the future. We’ve all had Past Lives in different times and places! Join us as we explore the mysteries of Reincarnation and the process of how to read past lives. Learn who you were in the past and how that knowledge can aide you in healing issues and relationships! Join us for a fun filled Evening Of Past Life Readings with Apollo!