Sages and Mystics have been known to speak to and hear Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. This type of psychic ability is called Clairaudience which means ‘clear-hearing.’ It is the ability to hear and get messages from spirit for guidance. It is that little voice deep inside you that warns you against danger or when you have an important decision to make that will impact your life. Clairaudience is natural to everyone and is a gift given to us by our higher-selves to keep us connected to spirit.
Communications from spirit can come in a variety of ways in the form of sounds, words or even familiar songs that spirit will place in your mind to give you a message. Though most will experience Clairaudience as an inner voice some people will hear spirit both as an inner and outer voice. Included in Clairvoyance is telepathy, which is hearing and communicating with inner vocalization. Many who are confronted by spirits or ghost report a form of talking and listening without mouth movement or use of the ears for listening. The entire conversation occurs in the mind!
You may also hear voices in your dreams or just upon waking. Clairaudients often hear ringing in their ears and interpret this as a sign to pay attention and to consciously tune into their intuition. Musicians are often clairaudient. There are many accounts of composers who have heard or dreamt of a melody playing internally before they put it down on paper.
With Clairaudience (or any psychic ability) it is important that one learns to quiet oneself and to listen. Meditation is very good for this and is a very important element to add to your routine on a daily basis. It helps to open up your chakra energies to the psychic impressions around your environment. Also, trusting the information you receive is very important in Clairvoyance. Try not to second guess anything you pick up. Take what you get, write it down and consider the validity later. But it is important not to interfere with the flow of the communication spirit is conveying.
Be patient and know that like any other skill it takes time to master. You are trying to develop a sixth sense and this is going to take time. Have realistic expectations of yourself. Certainly some psychics were born with this gift but many of our greatest psychics developed their skills. Realize that the more you do it the greater success you will have to hear the voices of spirit. Stay determined and you will see results.
Many people just beginning to explore Clairaudience report that the voices they hear in their minds sounds like their own voice. Don’t be alarmed by this as spirits only have your mechanism to speak to you through. Angels and guides will clothe their thoughts in your own voice until you get use to it. They will weave their thoughts in your own thoughts. Human beings are of the belief that every thought is their own. But our finely tuned nervous systems are built to pick up subtle information from our surrounding environment including spirit guides.
Bring yourself into a state of relaxation. Call to you an angelic spirit guide and ask a question. Don’t force anything. Stay relaxed with a gentle focus and listen. If you are not hearing anything then ask yourself, what do you ‘think’ the angelic spirit might say in answer to your question. So, take time to contemplate the question yourself allowing the guide to weave its thoughts through your own. Let thoughts move gently through your mind taking note of anything that has meaning.AUTOMATIC WRITING
Also, you might try automatic writing or Psychography as a way to train yourself in picking up messages from spirit. Automatic writing is writing that is produced from a subconscious and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of it’s contents. Take a clean sheet of paper and write down anything that comes into your mind without judgment or analysis. Then later check it’s contents for any hidden messages!Talking and listening to spirit is easy once you practice and get the hang of it. And we were born to be psychic! Everyone has a Pineal Gland and a Pituitary Gland. These are your psychic muscles and they just need to be exercised like any other muscle.
Join us for a workshop that will exercise those psychic muscles and show you how to listen to your Spirit Guides! “A Workshop in Clairaudience: Learning to Hear Messages from Spirit!” The class will provide practical techniques in speaking to and hearing messages from the world of spirit! Not to be missed!