Have you ever ignored a coincidence and wished you hadn’t? Have you ever received a sign or an omen that you wished you would have listened to and followed? Mystics and Seers have been finding and observing signs and omens to guide them since the beginning of time! You too can experience being guided by this force by learning the Language of Life.
The Language of Life is made up of all the signs and hints the universe weaves through the very fabric of our lives for guidance. This language is rich in symbols, offering messages we can use everyday to solve our problems and bring a greater sense of peace, joy and direction into our lives.
How to Learn The Language of Life
The first requirement is to change your perception of how you get information. For most people that is through rational or left-brain means. But there are more creative, magical and intuitive ways to gather information that are governed by the right-brain. This is done by drawing connections between what appears to be disparate occurrences known as synchronicities. Then the messages will begin to pop out at you in the form of “Ah Ha!” moments. And the more you do it, the more it happens!
Psychic Synchronicity
Synchronicity is defined as a significant and meaningful coincidence concerning the interaction between to parallel events, without appointment or plan, which seem related. Synchronicity speaks to the mystical notion that the universe has a plan for each of us and that plan is revealed to us in the everyday circumstances in our lives. Carl Jung wrote extensively about these “significant coincidences” in his book, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. In it he speaks of the divine principle of magnetism that draws us together with people, places and things that the rational mind cannot fathom yet are meaningful.The universe is constantly talking to us! These messages are given to us at very significant times, such as songs on the radio, on a vanity auto license plate, in books and on billboards. It’s in a conversation you have with a stranger. On a flyer you find on the street. In a psychic reading by someone who has never met you. In a prophetic dream or in a thought that just pops in your head!
For centuries humans have even used everyday objects and the wonders of nature as divination tools that offer us a window into the future. In pools of water, tea leaves and even in the clouds, all have been used as a way to listen to the universe. Some of these ways may seem a little strange but, through hundreds of years of observations, they’ve each proven to be accurate.
Let’s face it, many people feel omens can be a little scary. Omens are connected to many superstitions. A black cat crossing in front of us is an omen of bad luck as is a broken mirror. The truth is, there is a difference between omens and superstitions. Superstitions are beliefs created in an attempt to overcome our fears in life while omens are messages to help us predict the future!
Try this exercise in a place in nature or even in your living room. Stand still with your eyes closed and ask for a message. With your eyes still closed turn around a few times in a circle. Then open your eyes. Focus on the very first object you see when you open your eyes. Contemplate how this object is symbolically telling you something. If it’s a chair, maybe you need to relax more. If it’s a bird in a nest, maybe it’s time for you to focus on your own home. Use your imagination (which is your right brain) and let it work for you!
Many people, when contemplating their place in the vast universe, feel small and insignificant. And that the universe is a strange and often hostile place. But if you change that thinking into feeling that you are part of the universe then you are as large as it is! In truth we are all one with the universe and can learn to understand it’s very intimate and sometimes uncanny ways of speaking and sending us messages.