Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Psychic Automatic Writing

by Apollo

Many people have a fear of the spirit world and the spirits that reside there. Automatic Writing is a great, non-scary way of channeling your Higher Self or Spirit Guides through writing. Automatic Writing, also known as Psychography, is writing performed without conscious thought or deliberation as a medium for spirit to communicate with a channeler. The person who is channeling the Spirit Guide goes into a meditative state, places pen on paper allowing spirit to transcribe a message to the person.

Automatic writing first became popular during the golden age of Spiritualism (late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) by mediums attempting to contact the spirit world. According to spiritualistic beliefs, the medium would channel the spirit, allowing it to guide the pencil thereby producing a message that the spirit wanted to communicate to the world of the living. During the Surrealist movement, automatic writing was one of many games played by artists to stimulate creativity and produce original works of art. Automatic writing has also been used as a therapeutic technique in Freudian psychoanalysis

In many ways, doing automatic writing is like being ‘in the flow’ while writing. If you’re a writer then you will know what I’m talking about when I say ‘in the flow’. It’s the state when you have many creative ideas and they all seem to fit together quite nicely, and you can transcribe them coherently and quickly—and often it feels quite exciting. Yet at the same time, your conscious mind is not laboring away – it feels effortless and light. You can also be in that state when you do automatic writing—not so much in a creative writing sense, but in an intuitive sense.

Even if you feel you are not very intuitive, Automatic Writing is a great way to develop your psychic abilities. Automatic writing is actually very easy. But remember that you are not consulting your thinking mind. In order to do it successfully, you have to put your mind to one side. Many people who have trouble hearing their inner voice have had success with automatic writing.

When you want to get your Higher Self’s perspective on something that is bothering you just tune into you higher self and start writing. The Higher Self always has some very comforting and insightful things to say about any situation. If you want, you can also see your Higher Self or Spirit Guides as parts or extensions of you that you can access whenever you want, like your subconscious.

Some tips for producing Automatic Writings:

  1. Start each automatic writing session with ‘My Spirit Guides or My Higher Self’ or ‘My Angels’ as the first line. Be clear about whose input you want, as it sets an intention to hear from that being.  
  2. Just start writing and don’t worry about what you’re writing at first. The more you’re used to writing, the easier it is to get into that ‘flow’ state when writing, where you can channel your inner sage.
  3. Setting a timer while you do it can be helpful. This is so that you don’t have time to think about what you’re writing. Setting a time limit can help focus the mind on the task at hand as well as your energy.
  4. Create the right conditions so that you can lose your inhibitions about what you’re writing. Light a candle, burn some incense and put on some beautiful music to set the proper mood.
  5. Don’t allow your mind to interpret the information while you’re getting it. Write down whatever comes through, you can interpret it afterwards. You’re trying to create a flowing writing energy with spirit but if you are to focus on the content then you may lose that flow.
  6. How do you know if you’re really channeling spiritual guidance? In my experience, channeled information tends to be high vibrational in nature. It will often comfort you, provide clarity or will raise your mood in some way. If it feels negative or feels heavy, you’re probably not channeling a source that you want to tap into or you may just be channeling your own emotions. Intuitive guidance tends to be very clear, usually feels light and is often simply expressed. Having said that, I have read automatic writing that is poetic and metaphorical in nature. But don’t be hung up on how yours should sound or be. If you do it often enough, you will soon get a sense for what your automatic writing ‘feels’ like.

I have had some amazing Automatic Writing sessions! With just a little practice, you too can begin to enter into the world of spirit in a fun and joyous way! Join us in a workshop designed to get you in contact with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels. “Automatic Writing- A Workshop in Psychography” will give you the tools and techniques you will need to get messages directly from Spirit!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Science of Metaphysics

by Apollo

It is said there are two worlds. One physical and one spiritual. Both of which, operate, by different rules and with all of us having a foot in each. For most of humanity’s existence it has primarily been focused on the rules of the physical world or the world of mind. But as we move into this powerful cycle of spiritual evolution, the world of the mind can offer us few answers as to what it is we are going through personally as well as culturally. If we are to survive and prosper in these coming times we will need to look to the world from which we came, for the answers - the world of spirit.

Most of us are familiar with the rules of the physical world but many lack the knowledge of the rules of the spiritual world. Metaphysics is the science of the spiritual world. Meta meaning, beyond or after, Physics meaning, the science or study of matter. The study of, that which is beyond matter. In essence metaphysics can be described as the “thinking man’s spirituality.” Since the spiritual world is our source, it is from there we draw our power to improve all areas of our physical life on Planet Earth. From personal growth to making more money in our lives. From healing our body to attracting a love relationship.

All the world religions have deep roots in mysticism and metaphysics. It was later that dogma, rules and regulation of behavior, became part of the churches of the world and the suppression of the mystical nature of humankind began. Before Great Spirit became separate from us, looking down upon us from “heaven,” we experienced unity with Great Spirit.

One of the defining principles of metaphysics is that Great Spirit is all and all is Great Spirit. Metaphysically speaking,since everything is made of Great Spirit,everything is Great Spirit. That means on some level of consciousness you are Great Spirit and I am Great Spirit and we are endowed with the same creative powers of Great Spirit. And since we are all gods-in-the-making, we create our reality and are responsible for our experiences. We are each the captain of our souls. Our walk, as spiritual beings, is the realization of this principle in our consciousness. The Ancient Credo:”Ye are Gods!”

Another principle of metaphysics is reincarnation. We are spirits that move in and out of physical bodies, experiencing different lives called incarnations. The understanding is that it is impossible to learn all the lessons one needs to attain divine consciousness in one life and that it takes many lives.

There are many planes of existence other than our own, which are called dimensions. We can travel into these other dimensions to tap into powerful energies for healing, visioning and spiritual revelation. Here we experience working in our light bodies allowing us to meet and interact with celestial beings who have fantastic powers! Once we learn how to work in light body we can travel the universe, heal our physical bodies and impact the 3rd dimension in many extraordinary ways.

There are some fundamental skills that define the study and implementation of metaphysics:

Psychic Development:
We all have a sixth sense that allows us to communicate with the world of spirit for guidance and direction. Developing our intuition allows us to contact our spirit guides and angels, to uncover past lives and to travel into other higher dimensions

Vibrational Healing: For thousands of years energetic healing has been the primary health care system on our planet. We all have the innate power to heal ourselves! By bringing forth universal energies we can heal many health issues with just the touch of our hands.

Astrology: More than just the daily horoscopes read in newspapers and magazines this powerful divination system reveals the true plan for the soul and the goals and desires to be achieved. It is the driver’s manual for the incarnating spirit

The Tarot: The Tarot is so ancient no one really knows where it originated from.  In the hands of those who can wield it’s powers they can present profound information for direction, decision making and for divining the future!

The Destiny Cards: Based on our playing cards, this little known system has been held in secret by an Order of Magi for thousands of years. Only recently revealed it is possibly the most accurate and easy to use divination system on the planet! Every playing card represents personality traits based on your birthday and reveals the soul’s true destiny.

For those who are ready to immerse themselves into their spiritual work, metaphysician, Apollo, has designed a 5 hour intensive course called The Metaphysics Intensive that provides a solid overview of the many aspects in the field of metaphysics. See class description for details.