by Apollo
For thousands of years Native Tribal Peoples from around the world have practice the nature based spirituality known as Shamanism. It is a powerful, sometimes subtle, healing system that connects one with the healing forces of nature and the wisdom of the universe. Shamanism describes the process by which our tribal ancestors developed their abilities to connect with Spirit for transformational work.
Shamanism is a spiritual system, not a religion. It is based on the concept that we are all one with everything including nature. We are all spirit. We have the ability and the right to connect with the worlds of spirit. In the shamanic world view, everything is alive and conscious. Various techniques are used to contact and communicate with the inner world of spirit. Shamanism believes that there are beings, spirits that inhabit these inner worlds that can be helpful to us.
The term Shaman is actually a Siberian tribal word that basically describes certain medicine people who use altered states of consciousness to travel to the hidden worlds of spirit to obtain help and guidance for healing on all levels. There are Shamans in every tribal culture and they are called by many names. And every race and modern culture on the planet came from a tribal culture, including Europeans. The Druids are one such tribe from Europe who had different names for them, sorcerers, witches and magicians. Native Americans call them medicine men or women. Meaning that their gifts of healing is their medicine.
In recent years the term “Urban Shamanism” has come into vogue and speaks to city dwellers attempting to find a spiritual connection to nature in modern life and in the their own backyards. Urban Shamanism is the contemporary application of shamanic practices for use in healing, problem solving, self-discovery, and personal growth. It is a living, evolving system of healing. So it’s not all written in stone. It evolves with the individual practitioner. It evolves with modern sensibilities. This ancient connection to Spirit can bring useful and pragmatic tools to heal and transform urban people. It is our human birthright and our legacy. Shamanism gifts humanity with daily magic and powerful, daily communication with these divine forces of the universe.
Urban Shamanism also refers to the frustration of many modern urban city dwellers experience over the lack of teachers as most Native people guard their tribal teachings. So implied in the term, “Urban Shaman” is the act of going to nature directly and asking Mother Earth to train you herself! The writer was fortunate enough to have a couple of teachers come his way but for the most part I put myself in the desert, I put myself in the forest and I went within and asked nature to transform my life. It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Shamanic Journeying
To gain access to the inner worlds of the Shaman one must make a shamanic journey into the earth. These inner worlds are populated by powerful beings to whom one can request and receive help, teaching, protection, healing, and guidance. These worlds and the beings you meet are just as real as you and I are and can be a tremendous source of power! There are certain tools and techniques used for doing Shamanic Journeying that are the same throughout the world and throughout time. One such technique used to aide in the visiting of inner worlds is through drumming. It is known that the brain waves actually change when exposed to the type of Trance Drumming that is associated with shamanic work
Access to inner worlds is usually through a gate, cave, spring, or the roots of a tree or a large hole in the ground in a countryside, jungle, desert or watery environment. Nearby an animal should be found. If the animal is agreeable it will accompany or guide the shaman through the landscape and into the Earth, possibly to lead to other animals who can help. After a few runs, the animal can appear to the shaman during normal states of consciousness if necessary, or if the shaman wills it.
Shamanism offers the possibility of living in a world of magic and wonder. But not a made up one but a world that can impact one’s day to day life. Shamanism asks that you live a life that is aligned with and respects the forces of nature. Not because it’s good idea but because we are also a part of nature. And it is in nature that we can truly connect and channel the powers of the universe!
Native American Apollo from the Cherokee Nation will be giving a very special workshop to help you discover the Shaman within. Drawing from his own training and experiences and research from tribes around the world, Apollo will give you practical techniques for tapping into powerful Earth energies.
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