by Apollo
Vibrational Energy Healing has been the primary health care system for people on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. After all there is no John Hopkins Hospital in the middle of the Amazon Jungle! Healing with Psychic Energy is based on concepts that have been long forgotten in contemporary medical practices but is now making a comeback. The reason being is that science has finally developed instruments that can measure how and why these healing modalities work and are now starting to use them along with mainstream treatments. There are many types of energy healing. They involve working directly with energy or vibrational fields, or use crystals, herbs, natural substances or acupuncture needles to facilitate healing.
Vibrational Energetic Healing is based on the intentional channeling of Universal Energies to restore the natural functioning of the body. Everything is energy in one form or another and so are we. We are composed of energy that is solid which makes up our physical bodies and more higher vibratory energy that extends from the body that makes up the Human Aura. All disease starts in the aura as negative thought forms and attitudes which, if not corrected, will eventually densify and move into the physical body and corrupt it. Psychics can see and sense diseased energy patterns in the aura and can apply a higher vibratory energy in the form of light to break up and dissolve them. In Vibrational Healing if you are sick you go to a shaman or healer. The practitioner takes her hands, that she visualizes as being lite with a certain color of light. She then will gently sweep through the auric field with her hands, much like a surgeon would with a scalpel to cut away that which is diseased.
So, in order to perform Vibrational Healing one must have a working knowledge of the Human Aura. Long ago, people could see Auras. Advanced spiritual people such as the Buddha and Christ were painted with golden halos around their heads. There are cave paintings many thousands of years old, depicting people with these golden halos. Everything in the Universe emits a vibration or aura around it. The Aura is like a measuring device reflecting the condition and consciousness of the object emitting it. The Aura consists of different layers referred to as “subtle bodies.” Each one of these subtle bodies are experienced by how we feel and think .There is the Emotional body, Mental body and the Spiritual body all of which make up the soul of an individual. All of these bodies exist on a subtle spiritual plane called the 4th Dimension with the physical body residing on the 3rd Dimension.
We know how to heal the physical body. We go to a doctor and they give us medicine. But how do we heal the subtle bodies? After all, we all have emotional and mental wounds too. Well, we have to step into the 4th Dimension and make a house call, as it were and the tools in our medicine bags are Intent and Visualization. So you Intend and Visualize channeling energy through your hands into the Auric field for healing. Energy in the form of etheric light can strengthen the auric field which is likened to an immune system. A weakened Auric field makes you vulnerable to depression and stagnation which then translates in the body as disease.
Vibrational Healing in concert with traditional modalities have produced dramatic results in people. People have reported being cured of many ailments, including cancer! And anyone can do it with the proper focus and training! For those that are ready to take their healing into their own hands, Metaphysician Apollo will be conducting an all day Intensive Workshop in Vibrational Energy Healing. You will learn how to achieve Altered States of Consciousness to improve your skills at healing yourself and others through the use of Psychic Intuitive Powers! This will be an intensive study in Vibrational Power Healing, Aura Cleansing, Channeling Healing Energy, Working with Healing Angels, Diagnostics, Working with Crystal & Stones for Healing, Long Distant Healing and much more! Apollo will be giving free Healing Sessions! That day, regularly $20 each,VQ is offering 2 for 1 before and after Auric Photos!
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