Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Psychic Automatic Writing

by Apollo

Many people have a fear of the spirit world and the spirits that reside there. Automatic Writing is a great, non-scary way of channeling your Higher Self or Spirit Guides through writing. Automatic Writing, also known as Psychography, is writing performed without conscious thought or deliberation as a medium for spirit to communicate with a channeler. The person who is channeling the Spirit Guide goes into a meditative state, places pen on paper allowing spirit to transcribe a message to the person.

Automatic writing first became popular during the golden age of Spiritualism (late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) by mediums attempting to contact the spirit world. According to spiritualistic beliefs, the medium would channel the spirit, allowing it to guide the pencil thereby producing a message that the spirit wanted to communicate to the world of the living. During the Surrealist movement, automatic writing was one of many games played by artists to stimulate creativity and produce original works of art. Automatic writing has also been used as a therapeutic technique in Freudian psychoanalysis

In many ways, doing automatic writing is like being ‘in the flow’ while writing. If you’re a writer then you will know what I’m talking about when I say ‘in the flow’. It’s the state when you have many creative ideas and they all seem to fit together quite nicely, and you can transcribe them coherently and quickly—and often it feels quite exciting. Yet at the same time, your conscious mind is not laboring away – it feels effortless and light. You can also be in that state when you do automatic writing—not so much in a creative writing sense, but in an intuitive sense.

Even if you feel you are not very intuitive, Automatic Writing is a great way to develop your psychic abilities. Automatic writing is actually very easy. But remember that you are not consulting your thinking mind. In order to do it successfully, you have to put your mind to one side. Many people who have trouble hearing their inner voice have had success with automatic writing.

When you want to get your Higher Self’s perspective on something that is bothering you just tune into you higher self and start writing. The Higher Self always has some very comforting and insightful things to say about any situation. If you want, you can also see your Higher Self or Spirit Guides as parts or extensions of you that you can access whenever you want, like your subconscious.

Some tips for producing Automatic Writings:

  1. Start each automatic writing session with ‘My Spirit Guides or My Higher Self’ or ‘My Angels’ as the first line. Be clear about whose input you want, as it sets an intention to hear from that being.  
  2. Just start writing and don’t worry about what you’re writing at first. The more you’re used to writing, the easier it is to get into that ‘flow’ state when writing, where you can channel your inner sage.
  3. Setting a timer while you do it can be helpful. This is so that you don’t have time to think about what you’re writing. Setting a time limit can help focus the mind on the task at hand as well as your energy.
  4. Create the right conditions so that you can lose your inhibitions about what you’re writing. Light a candle, burn some incense and put on some beautiful music to set the proper mood.
  5. Don’t allow your mind to interpret the information while you’re getting it. Write down whatever comes through, you can interpret it afterwards. You’re trying to create a flowing writing energy with spirit but if you are to focus on the content then you may lose that flow.
  6. How do you know if you’re really channeling spiritual guidance? In my experience, channeled information tends to be high vibrational in nature. It will often comfort you, provide clarity or will raise your mood in some way. If it feels negative or feels heavy, you’re probably not channeling a source that you want to tap into or you may just be channeling your own emotions. Intuitive guidance tends to be very clear, usually feels light and is often simply expressed. Having said that, I have read automatic writing that is poetic and metaphorical in nature. But don’t be hung up on how yours should sound or be. If you do it often enough, you will soon get a sense for what your automatic writing ‘feels’ like.

I have had some amazing Automatic Writing sessions! With just a little practice, you too can begin to enter into the world of spirit in a fun and joyous way! Join us in a workshop designed to get you in contact with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels. “Automatic Writing- A Workshop in Psychography” will give you the tools and techniques you will need to get messages directly from Spirit!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Science of Metaphysics

by Apollo

It is said there are two worlds. One physical and one spiritual. Both of which, operate, by different rules and with all of us having a foot in each. For most of humanity’s existence it has primarily been focused on the rules of the physical world or the world of mind. But as we move into this powerful cycle of spiritual evolution, the world of the mind can offer us few answers as to what it is we are going through personally as well as culturally. If we are to survive and prosper in these coming times we will need to look to the world from which we came, for the answers - the world of spirit.

Most of us are familiar with the rules of the physical world but many lack the knowledge of the rules of the spiritual world. Metaphysics is the science of the spiritual world. Meta meaning, beyond or after, Physics meaning, the science or study of matter. The study of, that which is beyond matter. In essence metaphysics can be described as the “thinking man’s spirituality.” Since the spiritual world is our source, it is from there we draw our power to improve all areas of our physical life on Planet Earth. From personal growth to making more money in our lives. From healing our body to attracting a love relationship.

All the world religions have deep roots in mysticism and metaphysics. It was later that dogma, rules and regulation of behavior, became part of the churches of the world and the suppression of the mystical nature of humankind began. Before Great Spirit became separate from us, looking down upon us from “heaven,” we experienced unity with Great Spirit.

One of the defining principles of metaphysics is that Great Spirit is all and all is Great Spirit. Metaphysically speaking,since everything is made of Great Spirit,everything is Great Spirit. That means on some level of consciousness you are Great Spirit and I am Great Spirit and we are endowed with the same creative powers of Great Spirit. And since we are all gods-in-the-making, we create our reality and are responsible for our experiences. We are each the captain of our souls. Our walk, as spiritual beings, is the realization of this principle in our consciousness. The Ancient Credo:”Ye are Gods!”

Another principle of metaphysics is reincarnation. We are spirits that move in and out of physical bodies, experiencing different lives called incarnations. The understanding is that it is impossible to learn all the lessons one needs to attain divine consciousness in one life and that it takes many lives.

There are many planes of existence other than our own, which are called dimensions. We can travel into these other dimensions to tap into powerful energies for healing, visioning and spiritual revelation. Here we experience working in our light bodies allowing us to meet and interact with celestial beings who have fantastic powers! Once we learn how to work in light body we can travel the universe, heal our physical bodies and impact the 3rd dimension in many extraordinary ways.

There are some fundamental skills that define the study and implementation of metaphysics:

Psychic Development:
We all have a sixth sense that allows us to communicate with the world of spirit for guidance and direction. Developing our intuition allows us to contact our spirit guides and angels, to uncover past lives and to travel into other higher dimensions

Vibrational Healing: For thousands of years energetic healing has been the primary health care system on our planet. We all have the innate power to heal ourselves! By bringing forth universal energies we can heal many health issues with just the touch of our hands.

Astrology: More than just the daily horoscopes read in newspapers and magazines this powerful divination system reveals the true plan for the soul and the goals and desires to be achieved. It is the driver’s manual for the incarnating spirit

The Tarot: The Tarot is so ancient no one really knows where it originated from.  In the hands of those who can wield it’s powers they can present profound information for direction, decision making and for divining the future!

The Destiny Cards: Based on our playing cards, this little known system has been held in secret by an Order of Magi for thousands of years. Only recently revealed it is possibly the most accurate and easy to use divination system on the planet! Every playing card represents personality traits based on your birthday and reveals the soul’s true destiny.

For those who are ready to immerse themselves into their spiritual work, metaphysician, Apollo, has designed a 5 hour intensive course called The Metaphysics Intensive that provides a solid overview of the many aspects in the field of metaphysics. See class description for details.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Learning to Read Psychic Signs and Omens

by Apollo

Have you ever ignored a coincidence and wished you hadn’t? Have you ever received a sign or an omen that you wished you would have listened to and followed? Mystics and Seers have been finding and observing signs and omens to guide them since the beginning of time! You too can experience being guided by this force by learning the Language of Life.

The Language of Life is made up of all the signs and hints the universe weaves through the very fabric of our lives for guidance. This language is rich in symbols, offering messages we can use everyday to solve our problems and bring a greater sense of peace, joy and direction into our lives.
How to Learn The Language of Life

The first requirement is to change your perception of how you get information. For most people that is through rational or left-brain means. But there are more creative, magical and intuitive ways to gather information that are governed by the right-brain. This is done by drawing connections between what appears to be disparate occurrences known as synchronicities. Then the messages will begin to pop out at you in the form of “Ah Ha!” moments. And the more you do it, the more it happens!

Psychic Synchronicity

Synchronicity is defined as a significant and meaningful coincidence concerning the interaction between to parallel events, without appointment or plan, which seem related. Synchronicity speaks to the mystical notion that the universe has a plan for each of us and that plan is revealed to us in the everyday circumstances in our lives. Carl Jung wrote extensively about these “significant coincidences” in his book, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. In it he speaks of the divine principle of magnetism that draws us together with people, places and things that the rational mind cannot fathom yet are meaningful.

The universe is constantly talking to us! These messages are given to us at very significant times, such as songs on the radio, on a vanity auto license plate, in books and on billboards. It’s in a conversation you have with a stranger. On a flyer you find on the street. In a psychic reading by someone who has never met you. In a prophetic dream or in a thought that just pops in your head!
For centuries humans have even used everyday objects and the wonders of nature as divination tools that offer us a window into the future. In pools of water, tea leaves and even in the clouds, all have been used as a way to listen to the universe. Some of these ways may seem a little strange but, through hundreds of years of observations, they’ve each proven to be accurate.

Let’s face it, many people feel omens can be a little scary. Omens are connected to many superstitions. A black cat crossing in front of us is an omen of bad luck as is a broken mirror. The truth is, there is a difference between omens and superstitions. Superstitions are beliefs created in an attempt to overcome our fears in life while omens are messages to help us predict the future!

Try this exercise in a place in nature or even in your living room. Stand still with your eyes closed and ask for a message. With your eyes still closed turn around a few times in a circle. Then open your eyes. Focus on the very first object you see when you open your eyes. Contemplate how this object is symbolically telling you something. If it’s a chair, maybe you need to relax more. If it’s a bird in a nest, maybe it’s time for you to focus on your own home. Use your imagination (which is your right brain) and let it work for you!

Many people, when contemplating their place in the vast universe, feel small and insignificant. And that the universe is a strange and often hostile place. But if you change that thinking into feeling that you are part of the universe then you are as large as it is! In truth we are all one with the universe and can learn to understand it’s very intimate and sometimes uncanny ways of speaking and sending us messages.

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Numerology Workshop: It’s All in the Numbers!

by Apollo


Life is about self exploration and self knowledge! How would you like to know where your destiny lies. What talents and potentials you were born with and how to best deliver upon them. What your karma and spiritual lessons are. All these questions (and more) can be answered through the cosmic science of numerology!

Numerology is an ancient form of divination using numbers that dates back thousands of years. The Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians, early Christians, Mayans and Incas all employed number divination systems to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. Though many ancient civilizations claim to have invented numerology, it is commonly thought that the Greek mathematician Pythagoras was responsible for organizing this system for western civilization.

Pythagoras believed that all of reality is mathematical in nature and that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers. He felt numbers were not just a system to record and measure the physical world but that they could also be divinely associated with virtue, character traits and could serve as keys to unlocking the psyche! This matches up with what many mystics from the east have believed that life was predestined, and that everything that happened to an individual followed strict mathematical law. Still, the individual has to act on his or her own behalf.

Today, its popularity continues to grow as experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. Numerology columns now appear regularly in newspapers and magazines. Numerologists are consulted with increasing regularity for everything from personal romance to business decisions. As the industrialized world becomes more computerized and dependent on numerical systems, the fascination with this ancient spiritual science only grows.

Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to quickly understand and use. All you need is a birthdate and the complete birth name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold.

From adding all the numbers up in your birthday you will get your Life Path Number which speaks to your basic personality and the talents you came here with. The next important number is your Destiny Number determined by the numerical value of each letter of your name (added together then reduced to a single digit). This number speaks to what you came here to do!

For instance once all the numbers in the birthdate are added up, all numbers are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of these core numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33. For instance if your birthday was 5/17/1956: 5+1+7+1+9+5+6 = 34 and 3 + 4 = 7. The person with this birthday would have a 7 Life Path.

There are no set definitions or interpretations of the meaning of specific digits as they vary throughout different cultures and schools of numerology. However common interpretations may include:
1 = Individual, aggressive, self-expression, leadership
2 = Balance, union, receptive, partnership
3 = Communication, interaction
4 = Stability and structure, goal oriented
5 = Action, restlessness, life experience
6 = Service/home/family, responsibility
7 = Thought/consciousness, spirit
8 = Power/sacrifice
9 = Higher Achievement, completion

Master numbers are the only exception to the rule of reducing to the single digit. The master numbers 11, 22 and 33 are reputedly intensified versions of the single digit number they replace (2, 4 and 6). These numbers suggest a potential for a high degree of learning and/or achievement!

Imagine a world without numbers! Numbers run throughout our entire lives from birth to death. There’s spiritual power in numbers and with knowledge you can tap into that power.

Join Apollo this month for an exciting journey into the meaning of the numbers of your life!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Psychic Clairaudience: Hearing Messages From Spirit!

by Apollo


Sages and Mystics have been known to speak to and hear Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters. This type of psychic ability is called Clairaudience which means ‘clear-hearing.’ It is the ability to hear and get messages from spirit for guidance. It is that little voice deep inside you that warns you against danger or when you have an important decision to make that will impact your life. Clairaudience is natural to everyone and is a gift given to us by our higher-selves to keep us connected to spirit.

Communications from spirit can come in a variety of ways in the form of sounds, words or even familiar songs that spirit will place in your mind to give you a message. Though most will experience Clairaudience as an inner voice some people will hear spirit both as an inner and outer voice. Included in Clairvoyance is telepathy, which is hearing and communicating with inner vocalization. Many who are confronted by spirits or ghost report a form of talking and listening without mouth movement or use of the ears for listening. The entire conversation occurs in the mind!

You may also hear voices in your dreams or just upon waking. Clairaudients often hear ringing in their ears and interpret this as a sign to pay attention and to consciously tune into their intuition. Musicians are often clairaudient. There are many accounts of composers who have heard or dreamt of a melody playing internally before they put it down on paper.

With Clairaudience (or any psychic ability) it is important that one learns to quiet oneself and to listen. Meditation is very good for this and is a very important element to add to your routine on a daily basis. It helps to open up your chakra energies to the psychic impressions around your environment. Also, trusting the information you receive is very important in Clairvoyance. Try not to second guess anything you pick up. Take what you get, write it down and consider the validity later. But it is important not to interfere with the flow of the communication spirit is conveying.

Be patient and know that like any other skill it takes time to master. You are trying to develop a sixth sense and this is going to take time. Have realistic expectations of yourself. Certainly some psychics were born with this gift but many of our greatest psychics developed their skills. Realize that the more you do it the greater success you will have to hear the voices of spirit. Stay determined and you will see results.

Many people just beginning to explore Clairaudience report that the voices they hear in their minds sounds like their own voice. Don’t be alarmed by this as spirits only have your mechanism to speak to you through. Angels and guides will clothe their thoughts in your own voice until you get use to it. They will weave their thoughts in your own thoughts. Human beings are of the belief that every thought is their own. But our finely tuned nervous systems are built to pick up subtle information from our surrounding environment including spirit guides.


Bring yourself into a state of relaxation. Call to you an angelic spirit guide and ask a question. Don’t force anything. Stay relaxed with a gentle focus and listen. If you are not hearing anything then ask yourself, what do you ‘think’ the angelic spirit might say in answer to your question. So, take time to contemplate the question yourself allowing the guide to weave its thoughts through your own. Let thoughts move gently through your mind taking note of anything that has meaning.


Also, you might try automatic writing or Psychography as a way to train yourself in picking up messages from spirit. Automatic writing is writing that is produced from a subconscious and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of it’s contents. Take a clean sheet of paper and write down anything that comes into your mind without judgment or analysis. Then later check it’s contents for any hidden messages!

Talking and listening to spirit is easy once you practice and get the hang of it. And we were born to be psychic! Everyone has a Pineal Gland and a Pituitary Gland. These are your psychic muscles and they just need to be exercised like any other muscle.

Join us for a workshop that will exercise those psychic muscles and show you how to listen to your Spirit Guides! “A Workshop in Clairaudience: Learning to Hear Messages from Spirit!” The class will provide practical techniques in speaking to and hearing messages from the world of spirit! Not to be missed!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mediumship: Connecting with the Spirit World

by Apollo

Mediumship is the process whereby a human instrument, known as a medium or channel, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of providing information from the spirit world. This is done through thought transference or mental telepathy whereby the spirit uses the vocal box of the medium for communication. Furthermore, it is the medium’s function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter.

So, mediumship involves a cooperation between a person on the earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in spirit (the communicator) for the following purposes:
    Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
    Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
    Channeling forth certain type of energies.
    Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.

      There are two types of mediums: unconscious and conscious mediumship. In the unconscious form, the medium allows a discarnate spirit to enter and take temporary charge over the medium’s body with the individual having no memory of the information given. For instance, Arthur Ford, who is considered one of our greatest mediums, was an unconscious medium. The conscious medium is fully aware of what is being said.

      Attempts to communicate with the dead have been documented back to early human history. In the 19th century, trance mediums were very popular. Now, in the 21st century, the popularity of the subject is perhaps more visible than ever with TV shows like, “Medium,” a television series about a woman who acts as a research medium for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney’s office, and “Long Island Medium” which follows medium, Theresa Caputo, as she communicates with deceased loved ones of the participants.

      Any discussion of mediumship must also include the subject of life in the hereafter. It is well known by metaphysicians that after we drop the physical body, we enter into a new highly organized world that is very similar to that of the physical earthly one (with some important differences). Even though there is initial confusion on the part of the one who passed away, there is the eventual realization that they are no longer alive in the common sense of the word. Thoughts manifest instantly there allowing for experiences that are at once otherworldly and yet personally revealing about oneself and the life just lived. There are temples and schools where one can work with spirit guides in regards to reviewing life’s events, including the planning of the next life.

      All of those who are occupying this world can be fully aware of the goings on in the physical world and can be communicated with by psychically sensitive individuals. This is the role of the medium. A medium can obtain the kind of information to those still residing on the earth that can have a great influence in their lives. For instance there have been “sittings” where scientists, on this side of the fence, can communicate with “dead” scientists on the other side regarding problems with equations and experiments. Lost objects can be found through mediumship with the dead, revealing where objects are hidden. These are but a few of the amazing phenomenon associated with mediumship!

      As the loss of a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges in life, learning to connect with spirit can be a life changing experience. Mediumship provides just one of the tools to help come to terms with the loss in a positive manner. Once one recognizes the signals and the various ways the spirits manifest themselves to the living, they can begin to be seen, felt and even communicated with.

      Our resident metaphysician Apollo will be demonstrating and showing you ways to communicate with those that have passed from this world in a class called “Mediumship- Learn to Connect with The Spirit World.” In this workshop Apollo will teach specific techniques and exercises to enhance your abilities to ‘Connect With Spirit’ and the foundation for psychic development, upon which mediumship is built.

      The workshop will cover topics such as:
        How to link with spirit and the process of listening to the Identity contacted
        Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience - and how to combine them for Mediumship.
        Becoming a Medium, developing a practice, ethics and responsibility.
        Mediumship and Spiritual growth
        Life In the Here After

          Thursday, May 1, 2014

          Clairvoyance: The Power to See Auras

          by Apollo


          Since the beginning of human history mystics and seers have had powerful visions of Spirits. Mystics go on fantastic journeys into Higher Dimensions, interact with Angelic Beings and receive guidance in how to achieve higher states of consciousness. This ability is referred to as Clairvoyance which means “clear seeing.” Clairvoyance is the ability to see Spirits through your third-eye. Clairvoyants can see auras, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions.

          The contention that humans possess an ability to ‘see’  at a distance – whether in space or in time – finds resonance both historically and cross-culturally. From ancient shamanic practices to the 16th century, Swiss physician and thinker Paracelsus suggested that man “possesses a power whereby he may see his friends and the circumstances in which they are surrounded, although such person may be thousands of miles away at that time!” For example, many people report seeing a loved one who has recently died before they have learned by other means that their loved one has passed away.

          Accessing Your Clairvoyance

          When you access your clairvoyance, you are using the same mechanics and parts of your brain that are active when you dream or visualize. If you have the ability to visualize anything, then you have clairvoyant ability! Clairvoyance with the physical eyes is relatively rare. As for most of us, it is seeing with the mind’s eye. Seeing with the mind’s eye is like “thought” seeing or “idea” seeing. As you develop this skill, seeing with your physical eyes will also develop. But we must begin there.

          Here’s a quick exercise to help you get a sense of Clairvoyance. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine a boat. Any boat that pops into your mind. You see it there floating on the water. You see the color of the boat etc.,etc. Now open your eyes.

          Many of us will see some sort of “image” of the boat in our mind’s eye. But it’s not like seeing with our physical eyes; it’s more subtle. Again it’s more the “idea” of the boat that you are seeing. That’s seeing with the mind’s eye and is also considered Clairvoyance.

          Clairvoyance is usually associated with precognition (seeing into the future) or retrocognition (seeing into the past). It is related to the images that are present in your mind that can bring messages from other realms. These images can be shapes, colors, or animated images and remain for a few seconds, or last a long time. And you may see them with your eyes open or closed.

          Spiritually aware artists, decorators, creative people, or people who mainly use the right side of their brain have an even greater ability to read auras, chakras, or see spirit guides because of their most utilized sensitivity to see images with their mind’s eye.

          Clairvoyant Experiences

          A clairvoyant can see the truth about the past, present, and future. You’ve probably experienced clairvoyance yourself, and may not have even known it. Common clairvoyant instances include: you have a vivid dream which later comes true. You lose your keys or wallet, then a picture of the place where you left the item flashes into your mind.

          As you’re driving, you see a mental image of the car ahead of you turning left. Two minutes later, the car turns left exactly as you’d mentally imagined. You suddenly see an image of a person in your mind’s eye. Later that day, you receive a call or a letter from that person.

          These experiences of clairvoyance are quite normal and often very useful. Even more, you can learn how to increase your clairvoyant power so that it becomes a reliable tool for everyday living. Any activity which uses your visual imagination is good for strengthening clairvoyant abilities, because your imagination is the tool that Spirit uses to send you information (in the form of images). The more “well-oiled” your imagination “machinery” is, the easier it is for spirit to send you clear images. We enhance and improve clairvoyance, like any behavior, with learning and practice.

          Metaphysician, Apollo, will be conducting a Workshop in Clairvoyance: Seeing Auras! With exercises and drills in ESP, this workshop is designed to spark exponential growth in Psychic Seeing! In this class you will learn how to see and perceive Auras and Spirits and receive guidance using Clairvoyance! Overcome the fear that you are making it up and feel confident in what you are perceiving! Vision Quest will be offering 1/2 price Aura photos that day.

          Tuesday, April 1, 2014

          The Power of Dream Interpretation

          by Apollo


          A dream is a work of art which requires of the dreamer no particular talent, special training, or technical competence. Dreaming is a creative enterprise in which all may and most do participate.” – Clark S. Hall

          Dreams can be mysterious and powerful, but understanding the meaning of our dreams can be downright difficult. The content of our dreams can shift suddenly, feature bizarre elements or frighten us with unusual imagery. The fact that dreams can be so rich and compelling is what causes so many to believe that there must be some meaning to our dreams. While many theories exist to explain why we dream, no one yet fully understands their purpose, let alone how to fully interpret the meaning of dreams.

          Despite this, dream interpretation has grown increasingly popular thanks to works by a number of authors who outlined techniques and ideas that anyone can use to interpret their own dreams. Today, consumers can purchase a wide variety of books that offer dream dictionaries, symbol guides and tips for interpreting and understanding dreams.

          While research has not demonstrated a purpose for dreams, many experts believe that dreams do have meaning. ‘Meaning’ has to do with making connections to other variables in our lives that give dreams meaning. Furthermore, they are very revealing of what is on our minds. It has been shown that 75 to 100 dreams from a person can give one a very good psychological portrait of that individual. And it is almost as individualized and accurate as his or her fingerprints.

          Dreams have fascinated artists, philosophers and researchers for thousands of years. However, it was not until fairly recently that dreams became the subject of serious scientific study. In his book “The Interpretation of Dreams”, Sigmund Freud, suggested that the content of dreams is related to wish fulfillment. Freud believed that the manifest content of a dream, or the actual imagery and events of the dream, served to disguise the latent content, or the unconscious wishes of the dreamer.

          Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

          While Carl Jung shared some commonalities with Freud, he felt that dreams were more than an expression of repressed wishes. Jung suggested that dreams revealed both the personal and collective unconscious and believed that dreams serve to compensate for parts of the psyche that are underdeveloped in waking life. In contradiction to Jung’s assertions however, later research by Hall revealed that the traits people exhibit while they are awake are the same as those expressed in dreams.

          Dreams as a Cognitive Process

          Calvin S. Hall proposed that dreams are part of a cognitive process in which dreams serve as ‘conceptions’ of elements of our personal lives. Hall looked for themes and patterns by analyzing thousands of dream diaries from participants, eventually creating a quantitative coding system that divided the content of dreams into a number of different categories.

          According to Hall’s theory, interpreting dreams requires knowing:

              The actions of the dreamer within the dream
              The objects and figures in the dream
              The interactions between the dreamer and the characters in the dream
              The dream’s setting, transitions, and outcome

          The ultimate goal of this dream interpretation is not to understand the dream, but to understand the dreamer.

          Dreams Often Feature Intense Emotions

          One of the major characteristics of dreams is that the emotions experienced in dreams can be intense, painful and acute. The three most common emotions that become intensified by dreams are anxiety, fear and surprise.

          Dreams can show us our deepest joys and fears. Pointing out the thoughts and emotions that we may have tried to overlook and often giving us powerful insights! They can reveal communications from our Angels and Spirit Guides.

          Join us for an adventure in dreaming in The Dream Interpretation Workshop with Apollo! In this class you will explore conscious dreaming as well as dream interpretation to  learn how a dream’s meaning can lead to a better understanding of ourselves and the lives we live!

          Saturday, March 1, 2014

          Find Your Destiny with the Destiny Cards!

          by Apollo 

          We all have goals and dreams but how to do we attain them? The notion that we can create our dreams by also changing how we think has been popularized in movies and books. But could it be that there might be more to it than that? What if your dreams don’t come true, what does that mean? Does fate or destiny play a role in what we get to experience in life? And who is it that’s actually doing the asking for these things that we want and must have? Is it our Divine Guidance or is it a lower aspect of the Ego personality? Be careful what you ask for, you may get it, is the Ancient Credo!

          Those of us who live in the west may not realize it but half the world’s population believes in some sort of predestination. That the Divine Creator didn’t go through all this trouble to create this amazing thing we call life, to have us go around bouncing off walls trying to figure out what the heck we’re suppose to be doin’ here! Just what that destiny may be, however, can be difficult to ascertain.

          The Destiny Cards

          There is a powerful ancient system of Divination, called The Destiny Cards that can help you discover your psychic or hidden destiny. Kept in complete secrecy by an Order of Magi, until the right time, this system reveals the actual esoteric science behind our common deck of playing cards! The time for their release finally came, apparently after thousands of years! In 1894 Olney H. Richmond published, The Mystic Test Book, which revealed the hidden spiritual meanings behind the cards. Since then the system still remained in relative secrecy until Robert Camp published, Destiny Cards-Discover Your Future, in 1998.

          The Cards You’re Dealt

          The statement, “Do the best you can with the cards you were dealt in life” originated from The Destiny Card System! A combination of Astrology and Numerology the cards you were dealt is determined by your birthday. The cards are a symbol of a collection of personality and karmic patterns that need to be worked out by the soul. Hence, your destiny is revealed! It is this writer’s opinion that The Destiny Cards is the most powerful and accurate system of divination on the planet right now and can be easily learned and utilized by anyone. Not only do they reveal your overall destiny for your life there are also yearly spreads of cards that tell you what each year of your life will bring.

          How They Work

          Working with the system does require one to “re-orient” one’s viewpoint of the cards from that of a game to their more ancient roots as symbols of some of our oldest mystical orders. For instance, the Ace of Spades, which is the card used to represent the Order of Magi, is an ancient symbol for transformation. The 7 of Hearts is the esoteric symbol for higher spiritual love. The King of Spades, called The Master Card, is considered the most powerful card in the deck and those for whom it is their birth card are masters of anything they decide to do! Another powerful esoteric symbol is the Queen of Clubs. This card is called The Mother of Intuition Card and promises it’s possessor powerful psychic and spiritual gifts! These are but a few of the many exciting discoveries available on the magical journey our traditional playing cards can take us on!


          In terms of the notion of predestination, I feel East can meet West somewhere in the middle in that there are some things we can change and some we cannot. Wisdom is knowing the difference. Once you know what’s coming you can “do” something about it to either reverse it or soften the blows of, “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”!

          For those that are ready to step into their Psychic Destinies and to make a deeper commitment to their spiritual work, this is the class for you! The Destiny Cards workshop is an intense psychic study of this amazing system! You will learn:

              Why you came here
              What you came here to learn
              Why you attract the people and situations in your life
              What career choices are best for you
              What are your love and relationship prospects
              What is your money making potential

          And much, much more!

          Join us for a powerful afternoon of self discovery with The Destiny Cards!

          Saturday, February 1, 2014

          You Have Lived Before!

          by Apollo 

          We are magical creatures capable of being born into a body, living a life and then passing on to yet another body and living yet another life!  After our physical bodies expire we, as souls, never die. We shed our external layer which is our physical bodies, though our energies transform, our basic self, our thoughts, desires and spiritual levels remain with us. We are living souls collecting experiences, having relationships, learning lessons and evolving into something greater than we ever thought possible, a Divine Being!

          The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin which literally means “entering the flesh again”. It has served as an integral part of many of the world’s greatest religions as well as being taught in all the great mystery schools throughout history. For nearly 300 years even Christianity embraced Reincarnation until the church expunged it as heresy! In the words of Saint Gregory: “It is absolutely necessary that the soul shall be healed and purified, and if it doesn’t take place in one life on earth, it must be accomplished in a future earthly life!”

          The mechanics of Reincarnation vary depending on the spiritual system you believe in, but it basically goes like this:

          Once you pass from this world you end up on the astral plane where you review the life you just lived and go to “schools in spirit” to learn and prepare for your next life. Our souls know when the time is right to return to Earth to master lessons, balance karma, to heal or to carry out a unique mission. But once it’s decided that it is time to return, the soul is put through a process of some kind where upon the next life and all the necessary experiences to learn and grow are decided. You choose your parents, your siblings and the kind of work that you will do.

          Once we are born, we are forced to forget what happened in the astral as well as what happened in previous lifetimes. This is because through experiences that we have, the goal is to make us remember who we really are “Beings of light!” through those very experiences! It is much like an athlete who is trained to perform at a certain level. But once he competes, he, in a sense, must “forget” his training and just do it. He must not over think his performance but experiences it as body memory. He then flows in the performance rather than thinking about it too much based on his memory of the planning and training he received. It is not enough to book learn the lessons.  We must walk through life and gain knowledge through experiences which allows the lessons to get burned into the soul, allowing the being to shift his or her vibration to rise to higher dimensions of consciousness.

          In the early stages of soul evolution you live your life unaware of the fact that you are an incarnating soul that has lived before. Then after lifetimes you begin to understand more of who you are and that you set it all up purposely before you came here. You move from being a victim to being empowered. Then you start not only using this life as a lesson giver, but also past lives as lesson givers to begin to get the big picture of your existence. This awareness then causes you to rise in consciousness and to “jump” off the wheel of Karma where you have learned all your lessons and will not need to reincarnate!

          In Modern Psychology when people are working through their issues they can generally track the beginnings of neuroses to past events that happened in childhood. By remembering the past we heal the present which can aide us in creating a better future. But some of us can hit brick walls in trying to heal the issues that plague our souls. The reason is because we have memories and suffer from conditioned beliefs from past lives that also need to be cleared. This is the value of Past Life Regression Therapy where those issues are revealed and healed!

          Vision Quest is hosting an, “Evening of Past Life Readings” by our resident Metaphysician Apollo. By learning who we were in the past we can learn who we are now and who we can be in the future. We’ve all had Past Lives in different times and places! Join us as we explore the mysteries of Reincarnation and the process of how to read past lives. Learn who you were in the past and how that knowledge can aide you in healing issues and relationships! Join us for a fun filled Evening Of Past Life Readings with Apollo!

          Wednesday, January 1, 2014

          We Have MOVED! Grand Opening
          Sun. Jan 12th - 10 am - 6 pm

          Vision Quest has MOVED to Phoenix!



          3114 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ - (480) 949-1888

          We will  re-open Sunday January 12, 2014 for our “Grand Opening Celebration” from 10 am to 6 pm.  Come join the fun!  (Refreshments provided)

          Psychic Readings $1 a minute

          50% off Aura Photos with interpretive color guide $10
           Local Artisans, Crafters & Healers and more!
          Our New store is prominently situated on the Northwest corner of 32nd St. and Indian School Road, (next to Goodyear/Purcell Tire), in the Kachina Village Shopping Center at:

          Vision Quest Psychic Bookstore

          3114 E Indian School Rd Phoenix

          Vision Quest is a full service new age bookstore and learning center. It is one of the largest stores of its kind in Arizona, servicing the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale areas. Our selection offers hundreds of metaphysical book-titles and a wide array of spiritual supplies and gifts such as: new age music, astrology charts, gemstone jewelry, hand-crafted works of art by local artisans, spiritual statues, tarot cards, ritual candles, quartz crystals, incense, smudge sticks, herbs, feng shui cures, pendulums, greeting cards, “Sacred Geometry” Art Prints, magazines, aromatherapy and so much more! 

          Vision Quest also offers daily psychic readings by Arizona’s most talented and best known psychics, as well as aura photography and on staff healing practitioners. Gift certificates are available for any use. We also accept special orders for books, CD’s, incense and oils carried.

          Besides weekly Psychic Fairs, we have readers daily to assist you in person or by phone and are available for Parties. Vision Quest also offers alternative educational classes, workshops and seminars and is the proud host of new age events which include well known authors, lecturers and performers. Remember to ask about our used book program for credit or trade!

          Vision Quest publishes and emails a monthly newsletter which includes a schedule of classes and events (also available in a down-loadable form on this website)  If you live in the greater Phoenix area and would like to be on our mailing list, visit our website at www.VisionQuestBooks.com and just click on the Mailing List button at the Newsletter page and send us your first and last name, complete street address (include box, apt., unit, etc...), city and ZIP.