Mediumship is the process whereby a human instrument, known as a medium or channel, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of providing information from the spirit world. This is done through thought transference or mental telepathy whereby the spirit uses the vocal box of the medium for communication. Furthermore, it is the medium’s function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter.
So, mediumship involves a cooperation between a person on the earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in spirit (the communicator) for the following purposes:
Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain type of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.
There are two types of mediums: unconscious and conscious mediumship. In the unconscious form, the medium allows a discarnate spirit to enter and take temporary charge over the medium’s body with the individual having no memory of the information given. For instance, Arthur Ford, who is considered one of our greatest mediums, was an unconscious medium. The conscious medium is fully aware of what is being said.
Attempts to communicate with the dead have been documented back to early human history. In the 19th century, trance mediums were very popular. Now, in the 21st century, the popularity of the subject is perhaps more visible than ever with TV shows like, “Medium,” a television series about a woman who acts as a research medium for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney’s office, and “Long Island Medium” which follows medium, Theresa Caputo, as she communicates with deceased loved ones of the participants.
Any discussion of mediumship must also include the subject of life in the hereafter. It is well known by metaphysicians that after we drop the physical body, we enter into a new highly organized world that is very similar to that of the physical earthly one (with some important differences). Even though there is initial confusion on the part of the one who passed away, there is the eventual realization that they are no longer alive in the common sense of the word. Thoughts manifest instantly there allowing for experiences that are at once otherworldly and yet personally revealing about oneself and the life just lived. There are temples and schools where one can work with spirit guides in regards to reviewing life’s events, including the planning of the next life.
All of those who are occupying this world can be fully aware of the goings on in the physical world and can be communicated with by psychically sensitive individuals. This is the role of the medium. A medium can obtain the kind of information to those still residing on the earth that can have a great influence in their lives. For instance there have been “sittings” where scientists, on this side of the fence, can communicate with “dead” scientists on the other side regarding problems with equations and experiments. Lost objects can be found through mediumship with the dead, revealing where objects are hidden. These are but a few of the amazing phenomenon associated with mediumship!
As the loss of a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges in life, learning to connect with spirit can be a life changing experience. Mediumship provides just one of the tools to help come to terms with the loss in a positive manner. Once one recognizes the signals and the various ways the spirits manifest themselves to the living, they can begin to be seen, felt and even communicated with.
Our resident metaphysician Apollo will be demonstrating and showing you ways to communicate with those that have passed from this world in a class called “Mediumship- Learn to Connect with The Spirit World.” In this workshop Apollo will teach specific techniques and exercises to enhance your abilities to ‘Connect With Spirit’ and the foundation for psychic development, upon which mediumship is built.
The workshop will cover topics such as:
How to link with spirit and the process of listening to the Identity contacted
Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience - and how to combine them for Mediumship.
Becoming a Medium, developing a practice, ethics and responsibility.
Mediumship and Spiritual growth
Life In the Here After
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