Sunday, March 1, 2015

Psychic Development

by Apollo

Have you noticed, everything is speeding up! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "The Quickening"! The Ancient Mayans predicted that in these days life would accelerate at a faster and faster rate as humanity moved towards 2012 and beyond, requiring rapid assimilation of information and lightening fast decision making. The slow plodding rational mind was never designed to operate at these speeds.

The Quickening

Because of the quickening process, according to the Mayans, evolution will force humanity to develop its right intuitive brain to handle the rapid rate of information it will need to digest in order to make the correct choices in life.

As we move deeper into this new millennium we will need to acquire new intuitive skills in analyzing what constitutes reality and how to best operate in it for maximum efficiency. That which doesn’t evolve, dies. That’s exactly what happened to the Neanderthals. Don’t be a Neanderthal!

It’s About Survival!

Developing ones’ psychic ability isn’t just a good idea anymore, it’s necessary for survival in a world that is constantly changing! A world in which it’s difficult to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Where the integrity of entire institutions are now suspect! We live on a planet and in a society of opposites. What “they” once told us was good for us, we find out later is actually bad for us, i.e., The FDA, The Catholic Church, and most political leaders! What’s a human being living in the new millennium to do? Get psychic, that’s what!

You were born to be Psychic!

Have you ever had a hunch about something that turned out to be true? Have you ever had an impulse to do something but dismissed it, and then later wished you had actually acted on that feeling? If you’re human, you’ve had some sort of psychic experience that you couldn’t explain. Why? Because everyone can be and is psychic.

Everyone has a third-eye and pituitary gland in their brain. It’s not an accessory! It’s standard equipment! It comes with the model, right off the show room floor!!


These organs operate similarly to the muscles in the body: they need to be exercised. The more you exercise them, the stronger they become. You can build on that “hunch level” and access fantastic psychic abilities by practicing and just making it your intention to do so. And when you do, something clicks inside your brain and mysterious forces begin to move through your life. Forces that can spark exponential growth in psychic seeing, sensing, feeling and knowing!

These Gifts are Not What You’ve Been Taught

Unfortunately, we live in a world that still considers these gifts to be, at best, misunderstood and, at worst, demonized. People are afraid of the world of spirit, believing the negative media with its grandiose vision of a world filled with evil demonic spirits.

False Evidence Appearing Real

The psychic realm should not be feared. Most fears are born from preconceived negative notions, usually based upon false information, superstitions, imaginings and ignorance. We are all born from spirit into this material world, it is there to which we shall return and it is from there we draw our power. Remember this: we are spirits having a human experience NOT the other way around! So, do not be afraid. Take and accept your innate power! It is your birthright!

Technology of Consciousness

Vision Quest, Phoenix’s leading outlet for new and cutting edge information in the Technology of Consciousness field, is offering an intensive workshop to develop your psychic abilities.

The Psychic Development Intensive is a no-holds-barred curriculum designed to exercise, build-up and make stronger your psychic muscles in order to fully release and develop your psychic gifts.

Through intensive, no-nonsense exercises, you will get first-hand psychic experiences that can kick-start an awakening as well as a quest and study that can last a life time.

This dynamic workshop will give you the psychic techniques that can be used everyday to solve problems, achieve goals, protect you and your loved ones, and help positively transform the lives of yourself and of those around you.

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