Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ascension: Traveling to Higher Dimensions

by Apollo
Traveling into Higher Dimensions can heal our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual bodies impacting our lives in many extraordinary ways! Many Mystics, Ancient Prophecies as well as a lot of talk going around these days in the New Age that Planet Earth and Humanity is ascending from our Third Dimensional reality to a higher Fifth Dimensional reality.

Many tribes worldwide, including the Hopi, prophesied that we are getting ready to enter into the 5th world. The Mayans even ended their calendar in 2012 to mark this auspicious occasion! But what does that mean and what is really meant by dimensions? What will a 5th dimensional world look like? And more importantly, what will it be like to live in one?!


Strictly speaking Dimensions are defined by the vibratory rate of the atoms that make up all that exists on that Dimension or Plane of existence. For instance if you take an ice cube that is solid and boil it, it eventually turns into steam. This is because by boiling it you speed up the vibration and movement of the atoms within the water to the point it disappears to the viewers on the 3rd dimension,yet the water is still there! That’s the reason why, for the most part, we don’t see ghosts or angels because they operate at a faster rate of atomic vibration.

Each dimension has it’s own characteristics and beings that inhabit them, though there is ultimately only one Dimension that makes up “reality.” It’s like the ocean. There’s one gigantic ocean but it has different depths or levels of pressure. More dense at the bottom and more lighter as you move towards the surface. But for conversation sake, we separate them into sections designated by a number. There are varying opinions as to how many Dimensions there are ranging from 5 to as many as 46.


So how does one travel into these other dimensions? Is it possible that perhaps we are already traveling into different Dimensions and that it is so natural to us that we hardly realize it? Did you know that when we go to sleep you are actually traveling into the Fourth Dimension also known as the Astral Plane! Certain activities we participate in that may seemingly begin in the 3 Dimension can actually launch us into other subtle yet more powerful Higher Dimensions. Meditation and prayer. When we are having psychic experiences. Even making choices of love rather than those of separation within our families and communities. Thinking elevated thoughts regarding spirituality or philosophy. All of these are functional modalities of Higher Dimensions.

Dimensions are in actuality states of consciousness rather than places to travel to! How can this be? How can people who live in different dimensions be in the same place. That’s because time, space and distance is an illusion as all realities occupy the same space. So, contrary to popular opinion you don’t “travel” to other dimensions you become other dimensions. You don’t move to another Dimension you merge other dimensions into each other from within your being.

Therefore, “stepping in and out” of different dimensions is a matter of simply shifting our perspective of what constitutes our reality. So, dimensions are states of consciousness not places to travel to. The act of shifting our perspective on reality to move into another dimension can be as simple as choosing love and compassion as opposed to separation and conflict and practicing it in our daily lives.
This is the process by which the Earth will ascend into the 5th Dimension which is considered a heaven world. As humanity adopts more egalitarian principles, in terms of how we treat each other, this will be the catalyst that will bring Heaven on Earth or the New Age!


You don’t have wait until everyone else on Planet Earth ascends to Higher Dimensions! All that is required is a commitment to shift your energy to one of a higher vibratory frequency. Once this is accomplished miracles begin to occur in your everyday life. Physical and emotional healing,new people and situations of a higher vibration enters into your world as the old life seems to just melt away. In the world of vibration, “like attracts like” Be a higher vibration, live a higher vibration life, with life experiences that will match it!

Join us as we Travel Into The Higher Dimension in an extraordinary workshop conducted by our resident Metaphysician, Apollo. This will be an Intensive overview study in working in Higher Dimensions and The Ascension Process. With first hand psychic experiences, you will begin to travel to other dimensions in your Light Body, sense and feel celestial and angelic energies, and draw to you powers of Higher consciousness! Traveling into Higher Dimensions can heal our physical bodies and impact our lives in many extraordinary ways!

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