Thursday, November 1, 2012

Changing Your Soul Contracts

by Apollo


The international bestselling author Sol Luckman once wrote, regarding the laws of karma,”Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our universe’s operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations-and all things we experience are our creations.”

In many ways karma as it has been popularly taught has a similar characteristic to the Christian notion of sin which is about punishment. But the metaphysical notion of karma has more to do with the awareness that we create our reality and the lessons learned rather than that of punishment and retribution. This understanding stems from the mystical notion that there are no victims. That each of us create our realities and all of our experiences whether they be pleasant or otherwise. As the Dalai Lama once wrote, “Sometimes not getting what you want is an amazing stroke of luck!”

So when one speaks of karma one is referring to an agreement by a soul to take on certain types of experiences to learn lessons or to aide in others learning lessons. This is done for various, sometimes complex reasons. A set of karmic predestined life experiences agreed upon by an individual to teach certain lessons is what makes up what is termed as the Soul Contract. All of our experiences as a soul are recorded in what is called the Akashic Records and is referred to in compiling the soul contract in terms of what was learned in the past and what needs to be learned in the future.

In mystical traditions it is said that a soul stands before the Karmic Board just after completing a life and prior to incarnating into the next one. It is understood that when this process is undertaken in the worlds of spirit one is in a conscious state of awareness where these decisions of karma and contracts are made. However,  most upon incarnating into the earth plane enter into a state of unconsciousness where these agreements are forgotten. Indeed the soul contract becomes the blueprint that dictates the direction the life takes and the experiences the individual has. So the person is said to then be on automatic. Until he awakens. Indeed the whole system is ultimately set up for  the soul to one day awaken within the very incarnation it finds itself in and with the guidance of the higher self begins living off the grid, so to speak,or blueprint, where then one has the power to then “change” one’s soul contract!

It was the Dalai Lama again, who once wrote,”Always learn the rules so you can break them properly!” But having said that,when I speak of changing one’s contract, that is not a process to enter upon lightly. When considering such a move one has to enter into the awareness of the soul or one’s higher nature. As opposed to say the lower personality self that may want everything to be cushy. An example of this might be, though, your life may be real difficult right now the lessons you are learning maybe  worth it on a soul level. So you may decide to complete your contract. But say you are in an abusive relationship and you keep creating them over and over again. It might be time to renegotiate your contract with spirit.

Now in order to understand what the Soul Contract is one must understand what the soul is. The dictionary defines the soul as “the high-mindedness, courageous noble spirit; the inspirer or moving spirit of some action or movement; regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body” So the soul as distinguished from the body has a sort of separate life from the body, which is of the physical world. But the soul can also be distinguished from the earthly personality which is also for the most part conditioned and formed by this world. And it is from the place of the soul that one would re-negotiate one’s soul contract as the soul is a sort of parent to the personality. Unless you can align your mind, body, emotions and desires with a higher perspective you can’t function at soul level. As the soul level is more impersonal and sees the individual life from a big picture perspective.

Join us as we discover your soul contracts and explore your life’s themes and impulses uncovering your personal mythology and your true purpose in life! Metaphysician Apollo will lead you on an adventure in consciousness where you will be able to change and release long held belief systems, attitudes, relationships and crippling situations that may no longer serve you! This is an excellent modality for healing and spiritual enlightenment.

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