Welcome to the New World of 2012! Well it’s finally here! The Mayan Calendar is ending! After all the pomp and circumstance. After all the hubbub and grandiose predictions of Armageddon we have, as they say, arrived. But what does it all mean?
While there is no shortage of information out there about 2012, what are the Mayan elders actually saying about this auspicious year? In fact many of those same elders in statements have wondered why no one one bothered to ask them about their own knowledge of 2012 before publishing dozens of books, not to mention the entire Hollywood disastrous 2012 movie!!
The elders have very clearly stated that 2012 is not the end of the world, rather it is the end of linear time, as we know it, and a period of major spiritual evolution for humanity. So Angels, 2012 is not the end of the world but the beginning of everything! It does, however, mark the end of business as usual on this planet. The economic collapse is a good example of a 2012 event. It’s good news for those of the light and bad news for those that are not.
So, 2012 really is just another indicator or sign, if you will, of the Aquarian age and the prophesied, thousand years of peace that’s in store for our planet. What we’re talking about here, basically, is a changing of the guard. With the power structures that have been in place for thousands of years giving way to new more harmonious loving social structures that will benefit all humanity and not just a few. The year 2012 is not about destruction of the world but the birth and prosperity of the common man!
This year is our time! It’s our coming out party as a species. It is a celebration of our expanding notions of ourselves. That we are more than a commodity for corporations to sell things to. That we have a place in the universe. That we are Divine Galactic Beings as well as Human Beings. And that perception will give us many more options as to how to live our lives. The year 2012 marks a time where anything is possible. A time where certain goals and dreams you have pursued are going to be fulfilled. It could be a year you experience a sense of satisfaction from having achieved something that you have been standing for, waiting for and believing in- for a long time!
Have You Had Your 2012 Event?
Everyone will have, what I call, a 2012 event! Contrary to popular opinion, Armageddons don’t always come in the form of Earth changes. The year 2012 marks the beginning of a major shift in our spiritual evolution. And if you don’t do it voluntarily then the universe might force the issue. In short, if you go spiritual in 2012, you can go far! We’re talking about the big ones: Cosmic Consciousness, Manifestation Powers, Shamanic Powers to command the forces of nature, to name a few!What form these 2012 events might take, to encourage spiritual growth, will depend on the individual. For those that are more materialistic, going upside down in their houses, might be a 2012 event. For others, a lost of a job or a long-standing marriage. For those that are into spiritual growth you could have a shift in identity. Having profound experiences of becoming your Divine or Galactic Self. So set your goals high, Angels!
Join metaphysician and spiritual guide, Apollo, for Awakenings - The 2012 Conference! This will be a very special all day workshop that will show you how to take advantage of the powerful 2012 energies that are coming on the planet.
In this Workshop you will learn:
The Traditional Mayan Elders View of 2012
Attain New Levels of Consciousness
Dimensional Traveling
Working in Light Body
Channeling Celestial Angelic Energies
Commune with Higher Spiritual beings
How to Get a New Vision of Yourself
Setting New Spiritual Goals
Find your Mission
Increase Your Psychic Abilities
Join us for this amazing day of powerful transformations!
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