Friday, March 1, 2013

The Power of Crystals and Stones

by Apollo

Crystals and Stones harness the healing powers of Mother Earth. Everything in the universe is alive and so are crystals, each stone with its own personality and energy signature. When we work with crystals and stones we are working directly with Mother Earth. We relate to them so powerfully because our bodies are made up of the same elements that they are! Mother Earth speaks to us through her crystals and stones if we know how to observe and listen.

The use of crystals dates back as far as there are records of history itself. They were used in Biblical times, throughout Ancient Egypt, Rome and date to all ancient cultures. In fact the bible makes mention of crystals over 200 times! They have been used in medicine and health care, protection, magic and rituals, as offerings, currency, scrying (gazing for divination), for good luck and wealth as well as precious gifts and items of beauty. The actual word crystal comes from a Greek word Crystallos, from “Krysos” meaning “ice cold”, as it was originally thought that crystals were a type of ice that was so cold it would never melt.

Crystals in fact came from the period in history when the Earth was forming. The heating and cooling of the planet formed the magnificent crystalline objects we have today. Most crystals are formed mainly from silicon and oxygen, silicon being a most prolific element in the Earth’s core. When silicon and oxygen combine, they form silicon dioxide, which is also known as quartz. The other elements which are present during this combining of elements are what create the different types of crystals and contribute to its properties.

Over the years, uses for crystals have not really changed and they are still being used in the same ways as in ancient times. However, we do now have the modern-day benefit of discoveries such as the silicon chip for computer technology and quartz to power clocks and watches. The popularity of using crystals is spreading rapidly as we move into an era of open-mindedness and a willingness to experience different modalities in a search for “what works” for us as individuals.

How Crystals Work

It is a scientific fact that all matter is made up of energy, and that any object, be it a person, plant, a plastic pipe, grain of sand or body of water has energy within it and surrounding it. Energy resonates at a particular vibration, and for each object or thing, there will be a specific vibration. The human body is designed to function ‘properly’, and when it is doing so, each part of the body and particular emotions have their own specific vibrations. When the body or emotion is not healthy this vibration changes. Just like watching TV, if the waves from the TV signal are not tuned in properly, the picture and sound are affected. Crystals can help “tune in” the vibration for the human body as well as for other living things such as plants and animals.

This is called the Theory of Resonance. Crystals are set in their formation, so unlike the human body, they do not alter in their vibration and “get sick” or out of balance. This makes them excellent tools in assisting the body and mind as the crystals stays constant in its vibration and will therefore bring the body into line with the crystal’s “healthy” vibration.

There are many ways and places to use you crystals. They can be placed around the home, at your work place and on yourself or others. They can be used in pendulums and for scrying. You can use them to cleanse your environment, for protection, creating types of energy or mood, for healing and relaxation, to assist meditation, to attract positive energy or repel negative energy, and anything else your imagination can conceive. Crystals can be placed in potted plants or in you garden to boost the health and energy of the plants.

For hundreds and thousands of years stones have been regarded as having great spiritual and emotional powers. The energy level that crystals work on can be subtle or powerful depending on who is using them.  As you work with crystals more and more, you will become attuned to their subtle, beautiful energy.
Just being around them has a wonderful effect. To ‘tune in’ to the vibratory energy of crystals just takes a little effort and the rewards are great!

Join our resident Metaphysician, Apollo as he shows you how to harness the healing and magical power of Mother Earth through her stones & crystals! We are only just beginning to understand the powerful electrical oscillations emanating from crystals! Learn the use of crystals and stones in the art of divination and vibrational healing.

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