The Tarot is one of the most ancient systems of divination on the planet! Historically no one really knows where the Tarot came from. Some say the Gypsies (who were named after Egypt, but are not actually from there) brought them to Europe from Egypt. And that they were a gift from the Egyptian god Toth. But the cards could have come from the time of Atlantis or beyond.
Just as you use a mirror to look at your exterior, we use the Tarot to look at our interior. It can be difficult at times to speak to our feelings and impulses as we are so close to them. The images on the card mirror the soul’s journey, offering us clues and hints as to the spiritual conditions in our lives. In using the cards we see our inner reality from new perspectives. It’s like talking to a good friend who can see things about us that we may not see ourselves.
The Tarot has been taught over the centuries in Mystery schools not only as a system of prophecy, but as a means to train students in Psychic Development and to exercise the right brain. This training gives students experiences in gathering information about reality in non linear ways and how to tap into the mysterious forces of the universe that the rational left brain cannot fathom.
When you choose a card the mysterious forces of the universe take over through the laws of synchronistic. It is synchronistic that the card was chosen and the card says something about you because YOU choose it. And your choosing it means everything, just like other external things you choose in life. The cloths you choose to wear, the people you hang out with, how you decorate your home, all says something about you! So too, does the card you choose.
And, if the Tarot is nothing else, it’s about the telling of stories. Our stories. The stories of humanity. It speaks of great archetypes that run through the human drama. And the stories are mythological in its scope. It is said mythology is the training manuals of how to conduct one’s life. Through the adventures or misadventures of the heros in the story we learn something about ourselves. The Tarot uses the archetypal stories of humanity as an instructional manual for our own individual lives.
The Tarot is made up of basically two types of cards. The Major Arcana Cards and The Minor Arcana Cards.The Major Arcana
These cards tell the story of significant experiences and their presence in a reading can sometime mark a major movement in one’s life or a lesson to be learned regarding a situation. They can change the direction of the life of the person asking the question. They indicate the milestones in our lives, the major crossings, the major forks in the road, and the major decisions.A few example of Major Arcana Cards:
- The Fool: New beginnings in our lives.
- The Priestess: Using our intuition.
- The Tower: Major changes in or lives.
- The Emperor: Taking leadership in our lives.
Examples of the Minor Arcana or Suits:
Wands, Cups, Swords, And Pentacles
These speak to everyday life situations rather than the milestones that the Major Arcana do. These may not be life altering but nonetheless are still important. You will see your pleasures, disappointments, conflicts, and achievements.
- Wands: Concerns taking action
- Cups: Deal with emotions and relationships
- Swords: Thoughts, plans & communication.
- Pentacles: Concerns the physical world, personal finances, etc.
The Tarot is a powerful tool for personal growth and insight. For those that are ready to go deep into the mystery of the Tarot, Vision Quest presents The Tarot Intensive. Open to all levels, this Intensive Workshop will be an advance study in, not only how to read and interpret the cards, but how to use them as magical tools for actually manifesting your desires! Discover the secret power in the cards, learn to read cards without consulting a book, learn to interpret with precision and much more! Unlock the secrets of your inner world with the magic of the Tarot! Join us!
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