So where do we go after we make our transition form this world to the next? Edgar Cayce was once asked if everyone has a different version of what heaven is who’s correct? His answer… “they all are!” Thus, according to Cayce, where you end up is based upon who you are and the beliefs you held about reality when you were on earth. Therefore, no matter how you were raised in terms of religion, there is some truth to what you have been taught about the afterlife.
The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin, meaning, “entering the flesh again.” It is the belief that after our physical bodies expire we, as souls, never die. We shed our external layer (our physical bodies) and though our energies transform, our thoughts, desires and spiritual levels remain with us.
Therefore, when we die, our spirit travels to another dimension or, what is known as, the Astral Plane. There are other planes and dimensions that exist beyond the astral as well. But in the astral dimension, there are three levels. In each of these levels are schools and classes to continue to grow and learn. For instance If you were a musician or an artists you would continue to be so. These realms are not unlike earth life but the sensations are more intense and powerful.
The 3 Astral Planes
The Lower astral planes are where individuals end up who have lived a life producing very low vibrations, or one would interpret living a dark life. It is not about punishment. The fact of the matter is, like attracts like. A life of producing low vibrations will attract you to a place that is low and dense, based on your thoughts, which in turn cause you to act. However, even when in this realm, we can learn from our past actions through the help of our guides and rise to higher levels.
The next part of the astral planes are the Middle astral planes. This is where the majority end up immediately after passing. Those who lived a relatively positive life but still had material attachments to an earth like life end up here. The realm here is extremely pleasant and would be considered “Heaven” to many. In fact the middle astral planes appears very much like clean and picturesque surroundings that we would see on Earth such as streams, green grass, beautiful buildings, birds flying, etc.
The last section in the astral plane is the Higher astral planes and is the least dense. This plane is free of any type of materialism and the vibrations here are extremely high. This is the plane that is filled with pure love, light and joy, and is actually a step closer to the next dimension, which is one of unity consciousness. In this next dimension it is the beginning of realizing the true nature of ourselves as spirit beings who are multidimensional. This is where many of the Ascended Masters and Angels exists.
The ultimate goal of our souls is to evolve to a state of grace and illumination and this kind of work will require multiple lifetimes to “get it right”, so to speak. Our souls know when the time is right to return to Earth to master lessons, balance karma, to heal or to carry out a unique mission. However, our souls do not just jump in and return. We actually must take the time in the astral planes to plan out our upcoming incarnations carefully by having in-depth discussions with our spirit guides who will be at our side during our upcoming life.
Once we are born, we forget what happened in the astral as well as what happened in previous lifetimes. This is because through experiences that we have, the goal is to make us remember who we really are, beings of light through those experiences! It is much like an athlete who is trained to perform at a certain level. But once he competes he in sense must “forget” his training and just do it. He must not over think his performance but experiences it as body memory. He then flows in the performance rather than thinking about it to much based on his memory of the planning and training he received. It is not enough to book learn them we must walk through life and gain knowledge through experiences which allows the lessons to get burned into the soul allowing the being to shift his or her vibration to rise to higher dimensions of consciousness.
Vision Quest is hosting a special workshop called, “Learning Your Past Lives” with our resident Metaphysician Apollo. By learning who we were in the past we can learn who we are now and who we can be in the future. What happens when we leave this world? What becomes of our soul, mind and personality? These and other questions will be answered as we explore the after life and the mysteries of Reincarnation. In this workshop you will learn how you can remember your past lives! Apollo will also be giving in class Past Life Readings! Join us for this special workshop!
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