Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Healing with Psychic Energy

by Apollo
Psychic Energy Healing has been the primary health care system for people on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. After all there is no John Hopkins Hospital in the middle of the Amazon Jungle!

Healing with Psychic Energy is based on concepts that have been long forgotten in contemporary medical practices but is now making a comeback. The reason being is that science has finally developed instruments that can measure how and why these healing modalities work, and are now starting to use them along with mainstream treatments.

There are many types of energy healing. They involve working directly with energy or vibrational fields, or use crystals, herbs, natural substances or acupuncture needles to facilitate healing.

Psychic Energetic Healing is based on the intentional channeling of Universal Energies to restore the natural functioning of the body. Everything is energy in one form or another and so are we. We are composed of energy that is solid which makes up our physical bodies and more higher vibratory energy that extends from the body that makes up the Human Aura.

All disease starts in the aura as negative thought forms and attitudes which, if not corrected, will eventually densify and move into the physical body and corrupt it. Psychics can see and sense diseased energy patterns in the aura and can apply a higher vibratory energy in the form of light to break up and dissolve them.

In Vibrational Healing, if you are sick you go to a shaman or healer. The practitioner takes her hands, which she visualizes as being lit with a certain color of light. She then will gently sweep through the auric field with her hands, much like a surgeon would with a scalpel to cut away that which is diseased.

So, in order to perform Psychic Vibrational Healing one must have a working knowledge of the Human Aura. Long ago, people could see Auras. Advanced spiritual people such as the Buddha and Christ were painted with golden halos around their heads. There are cave paintings many thousands of years old, depicting people with these golden halos.

Everything in the Universe emits a vibration or aura around it. The Aura is like a measuring device reflecting the condition and consciousness of the object emitting it. The Aura consists of different layers referred to as “subtle bodies.” Each one of these subtle bodies are experienced by how we feel and think. There is the Emotional body, Mental body and the Spiritual body, all of which make up the soul of an individual. All of these bodies exist on a subtle spiritual plane called the 4th Dimension with the physical body residing on the 3rd Dimension.

We know how to heal the physical body. We go to a doctor and they give us medicine. But how do we heal the subtle bodies? After all, we all have emotional and mental wounds too. Well, we have to step into the 4th Dimension and make a house call, as it were and the tools in our medicine bags are “Intent and Visualization”. So, you “Intend” and “Visualize” channeling energy through your hands into the auric field for healing. Energy in the form of etheric light can strengthen the auric field which is likened to an immune system.  A weakened auric field makes you vulnerable to depression and stagnation, which then translates into the body as disease.

Psychic Healing in concert with traditional modalities have produced dramatic results in people. People have reported being cured of many ailments, including cancer! And anyone can do it with the proper focus and training! For those that are ready to take their healing into their own hands, metaphysician, Apollo, will be conducting an “Intensive Workshop in Psychic Energy Healing”. You will be shown how to achieve “Altered States of Consciousness” to improve your skills at healing yourself and others through the use of Psychic Intuitive Powers! This will be an intensive study in Vibrational Power Healing, Aura Cleansing, Channeling Healing Energy, Working with Healing Angels, Diagnostics, Working with Crystal & Stones for Healing, Long Distant Healing and much more!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Numerology: It’s All In The Numbers!

by Apollo
Life is about self exploration and self knowledge! How would you like to know where your destiny lies. What talents and potentials you were born with and how to best deliver upon them. What your karma and spiritual lessons are. All these questions can be answered and more through the Cosmic Science of Numerology!

What is Numerology?

Numerology is an ancient form of divination using numbers that dates back thousands of years. The Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians, early Christians, Mayans and Incas all employed number systems to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. Though many ancient civilizations claim Numerology it is commonly thought that the Greek mathematician Pythagoras organized this system for western civilization.

Pythagoras believed that reality is mathematical and that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers. He felt numbers were not just a system to record and measure the physical world  but that they can also be mystically associated with virtue, character tendencies and can serve as keys to unlocking the psyche!

This matches up with what many mystics from the east have believed; that life was predestined, and that everything that happened to an individual followed strict mathematical law. Still, the individual has to act on his or her own behalf.

Today, its popularity continues to grow as experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. Numerology columns now appear regularly in newspapers and magazines. Numerologists are consulted with increasing regularity for everything from personal romance to business decisions. As the industrialized world becomes more computerized and dependent on numerical systems, the fascination with this ancient spiritual science only grows.

How Do You Do Numerology?

Numerology is perhaps the easiest of the occult arts to understand and use. All you need is the birth date and the complete birth name of an individual to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold. From adding all the numbers up in your birthday you will get your Life Path Number which speaks to your basic personality and the talents you came in with. The next important number is your Destiny Number determined by your name as each letter has a numerical value. This number is called your Destiny Number and speaks to what you came here to do!

For instance once all the numbers in the birthdate are added up, all numbers are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of these core numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. For instance if your birthday was 5/17/1956: 5+1+7+1+9+5+6 = 34 and 3 + 4 = 7. The person with this birthday would have a 7 Life Path. There are no set definitions or interpretations of the meaning of specific digits as they vary throughout different cultures and schools of numerology. However common interpretations may include:

  • Individual; aggressive; self expression; leadership
  • Balance; union; receptive; partnership
  • Communication/interaction
  • Stability and Structure/Goal Oriented
  • Action; restlessness; life experience
  • Service/ Home/family; responsibility
  • Thought/consciousness; spirit
  • Power/sacrifice
  • Higher Achievement and Completion

Master numbers are the only exception to the rule of reducing to the single digit. The master numbers 11 and 22 are reputedly intensified versions of the single digit number they replace (2 and 4). These numbers suggest a potential for a high degree of learning and/or achievement!

Imagine a world without numbers! Numbers run throughout our entire lives from birth to death. There’s spiritual power in numbers and with knowledge you can tap into that power.

Join us as we explore the fascinating and revealing world of numbers in The Numerology Workshop-It’s All In The Numbers! In this class Apollo will show you how to calculate and interpret your personal numbers to discover your special destiny! What your talents and potentials are, your karma and much more! After this class you feel more confident and empowered with the knowledge of the ages! Live the life you were born to live! Unlock those secrets through the ancient cosmic science of Numerology! It’s all in the numbers!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ascension: Traveling to Higher Dimensions

by Apollo
Traveling into Higher Dimensions can heal our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual bodies impacting our lives in many extraordinary ways! Many Mystics, Ancient Prophecies as well as a lot of talk going around these days in the New Age that Planet Earth and Humanity is ascending from our Third Dimensional reality to a higher Fifth Dimensional reality.

Many tribes worldwide, including the Hopi, prophesied that we are getting ready to enter into the 5th world. The Mayans even ended their calendar in 2012 to mark this auspicious occasion! But what does that mean and what is really meant by dimensions? What will a 5th dimensional world look like? And more importantly, what will it be like to live in one?!


Strictly speaking Dimensions are defined by the vibratory rate of the atoms that make up all that exists on that Dimension or Plane of existence. For instance if you take an ice cube that is solid and boil it, it eventually turns into steam. This is because by boiling it you speed up the vibration and movement of the atoms within the water to the point it disappears to the viewers on the 3rd dimension,yet the water is still there! That’s the reason why, for the most part, we don’t see ghosts or angels because they operate at a faster rate of atomic vibration.

Each dimension has it’s own characteristics and beings that inhabit them, though there is ultimately only one Dimension that makes up “reality.” It’s like the ocean. There’s one gigantic ocean but it has different depths or levels of pressure. More dense at the bottom and more lighter as you move towards the surface. But for conversation sake, we separate them into sections designated by a number. There are varying opinions as to how many Dimensions there are ranging from 5 to as many as 46.


So how does one travel into these other dimensions? Is it possible that perhaps we are already traveling into different Dimensions and that it is so natural to us that we hardly realize it? Did you know that when we go to sleep you are actually traveling into the Fourth Dimension also known as the Astral Plane! Certain activities we participate in that may seemingly begin in the 3 Dimension can actually launch us into other subtle yet more powerful Higher Dimensions. Meditation and prayer. When we are having psychic experiences. Even making choices of love rather than those of separation within our families and communities. Thinking elevated thoughts regarding spirituality or philosophy. All of these are functional modalities of Higher Dimensions.

Dimensions are in actuality states of consciousness rather than places to travel to! How can this be? How can people who live in different dimensions be in the same place. That’s because time, space and distance is an illusion as all realities occupy the same space. So, contrary to popular opinion you don’t “travel” to other dimensions you become other dimensions. You don’t move to another Dimension you merge other dimensions into each other from within your being.

Therefore, “stepping in and out” of different dimensions is a matter of simply shifting our perspective of what constitutes our reality. So, dimensions are states of consciousness not places to travel to. The act of shifting our perspective on reality to move into another dimension can be as simple as choosing love and compassion as opposed to separation and conflict and practicing it in our daily lives.
This is the process by which the Earth will ascend into the 5th Dimension which is considered a heaven world. As humanity adopts more egalitarian principles, in terms of how we treat each other, this will be the catalyst that will bring Heaven on Earth or the New Age!


You don’t have wait until everyone else on Planet Earth ascends to Higher Dimensions! All that is required is a commitment to shift your energy to one of a higher vibratory frequency. Once this is accomplished miracles begin to occur in your everyday life. Physical and emotional healing,new people and situations of a higher vibration enters into your world as the old life seems to just melt away. In the world of vibration, “like attracts like” Be a higher vibration, live a higher vibration life, with life experiences that will match it!

Join us as we Travel Into The Higher Dimension in an extraordinary workshop conducted by our resident Metaphysician, Apollo. This will be an Intensive overview study in working in Higher Dimensions and The Ascension Process. With first hand psychic experiences, you will begin to travel to other dimensions in your Light Body, sense and feel celestial and angelic energies, and draw to you powers of Higher consciousness! Traveling into Higher Dimensions can heal our physical bodies and impact our lives in many extraordinary ways!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mediumship: Connecting with the
Spirit World

by Apollo
Mediumship is the process whereby a human instrument, known as a Medium or Channel, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of providing information from the spirit world. This is done through thought transference or mental telepathy whereby the spirit uses the vocal box of the medium for communication. Furthermore, it is the medium’s function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter.

So, mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator) for the following purposes:

Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise.
Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur.
Channeling forth certain type of energies.
Manifesting themselves for objective examination and/or identification.

There are  two types of mediums, unconscious and conscious mediumship. In the unconscious form, the medium allows a discarnate spirit to enter  and take temporary charge over the medium’s body with the individual having no memory of the information given. For instance, Author Ford, who is considered one of our greatest Mediums, was an Unconscious Medium. The Conscious Medium is fully aware of what is being said.

Attempts to communicate with the dead have been documented back to early human history. In the 1840s and 1870s, trance mediums were very popular. Now, in the 2000s, the popularity of the subject is perhaps more visible than ever with TV shows like, “Medium,” a Television series about a woman who acts as a research medium for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney’s office, and “Long Island Medium” which follows Medium Theresa Caputo as she communicates with deceased loved ones of the participants.

Any discussion of Mediumship must also include the subject of life in the hereafter. It is well known by metaphysicians that after we drop the physical body, we enter into a new highly organized world that is very similar to that of the physical Earthly one (with some important differences). Even though there is initial confusion on the part of the one who passed away, there is the eventual realization that they are no longer alive in the common sense of the word. Thoughts manifest instantly there allowing for experiences that are at once otherworldly and yet personally revealing about oneself and the life just lived. There are temples and schools where one can work with spirit guides in regards to reviewing life’s events, including the planning of the next life.

All of those who are occupying this world can be fully aware of the goings on in the physical world and can be communicated with by psychically sensitive individuals. This is the role of the Medium. A medium can obtain the kind of information to those still residing on the earth that can have a great influence in their lives. For instance there have been “sittings” where scientists, on this side of the fence, can communicate with “dead” scientists on the other side regarding problems with equations and experiments. Lost objects can be found through mediumship with the dead revealing where objects are hidden. These are but a few of the amazing phenomenon associated with mediumship!

As the loss of a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges in life, learning to connect with spirit can be a life changing experience. Mediumship provides just one of the tools to help come to terms with the loss in a positive manner. Once one recognizes the signals and the various ways the spirits manifest themselves to the living, they can begin to be seen, felt and even communicated with.

Our resident Metaphysician Apollo will be demonstrating and showing you ways to communicate with those that have passed from this world in a class called “Mediumship- Learn to Connect with The Spirit World.”  In this workshop Apollo will teach specific techniques and exercises to enhance your abilities to ‘Connect With Spirit’ and the foundation for Psychic Development upon which mediumship is built.

The workshop will cover topics such as:
  • How to link with spirit and the process of listening to the Identity contacted
  • Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience - and how to combine them for Mediumship.
  • Becoming a Medium, developing a practice, ethics and responsibility.
  • Mediumship and Spiritual growth
  • Life In the Here After

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Psychic Development

by Apollo

Have you noticed, everything is speeding up! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "The Quickening"! The Ancient Mayans predicted that in these days life would accelerate at a faster and faster rate as humanity moved towards 2012 and beyond, requiring rapid assimilation of information and lightening fast decision making. The slow plodding rational mind was never designed to operate at these speeds.

The Quickening

Because of the quickening process, according to the Mayans, evolution will force humanity to develop its right intuitive brain to handle the rapid rate of information it will need to digest in order to make the correct choices in life.

As we move deeper into this new millennium we will need to acquire new intuitive skills in analyzing what constitutes reality and how to best operate in it for maximum efficiency. That which doesn’t evolve, dies. That’s exactly what happened to the Neanderthals. Don’t be a Neanderthal!

It’s About Survival!

Developing ones’ psychic ability isn’t just a good idea anymore, it’s necessary for survival in a world that is constantly changing! A world in which it’s difficult to tell the good guys from the bad guys. Where the integrity of entire institutions are now suspect! We live on a planet and in a society of opposites. What “they” once told us was good for us, we find out later is actually bad for us, i.e., The FDA, The Catholic Church, and most political leaders! What’s a human being living in the new millennium to do? Get psychic, that’s what!

You were born to be Psychic!

Have you ever had a hunch about something that turned out to be true? Have you ever had an impulse to do something but dismissed it, and then later wished you had actually acted on that feeling? If you’re human, you’ve had some sort of psychic experience that you couldn’t explain. Why? Because everyone can be and is psychic.

Everyone has a third-eye and pituitary gland in their brain. It’s not an accessory! It’s standard equipment! It comes with the model, right off the show room floor!!


These organs operate similarly to the muscles in the body: they need to be exercised. The more you exercise them, the stronger they become. You can build on that “hunch level” and access fantastic psychic abilities by practicing and just making it your intention to do so. And when you do, something clicks inside your brain and mysterious forces begin to move through your life. Forces that can spark exponential growth in psychic seeing, sensing, feeling and knowing!

These Gifts are Not What You’ve Been Taught

Unfortunately, we live in a world that still considers these gifts to be, at best, misunderstood and, at worst, demonized. People are afraid of the world of spirit, believing the negative media with its grandiose vision of a world filled with evil demonic spirits.

False Evidence Appearing Real

The psychic realm should not be feared. Most fears are born from preconceived negative notions, usually based upon false information, superstitions, imaginings and ignorance. We are all born from spirit into this material world, it is there to which we shall return and it is from there we draw our power. Remember this: we are spirits having a human experience NOT the other way around! So, do not be afraid. Take and accept your innate power! It is your birthright!

Technology of Consciousness

Vision Quest, Phoenix’s leading outlet for new and cutting edge information in the Technology of Consciousness field, is offering an intensive workshop to develop your psychic abilities.

The Psychic Development Intensive is a no-holds-barred curriculum designed to exercise, build-up and make stronger your psychic muscles in order to fully release and develop your psychic gifts.

Through intensive, no-nonsense exercises, you will get first-hand psychic experiences that can kick-start an awakening as well as a quest and study that can last a life time.

This dynamic workshop will give you the psychic techniques that can be used everyday to solve problems, achieve goals, protect you and your loved ones, and help positively transform the lives of yourself and of those around you.