Saturday, December 1, 2012

Awakenings: The 2012 Conference

by Apollo

Welcome to the New World of 2012! Well it’s finally here! The Mayan Calendar is ending! After all the pomp and circumstance. After all the hubbub and grandiose predictions of Armageddon we have, as they say, arrived. But what does it all mean?

While there is no shortage of information out there about 2012, what  are the Mayan elders actually saying about this auspicious year? In fact many of those same elders in statements have wondered why no one one bothered to ask them about their own knowledge of 2012 before publishing dozens of books, not to mention the entire Hollywood disastrous 2012 movie!!

The elders have very clearly stated that 2012 is not the end of the world, rather it is the end of linear time, as we know it, and a period of major spiritual evolution for humanity. So Angels, 2012 is not the end of the world but the beginning of everything! It does, however, mark the end of business as usual on this planet. The economic collapse is a good example of a 2012 event. It’s good news for those of the light and bad news for those that are not.

So, 2012 really is just another indicator or sign, if you will, of the Aquarian age and the prophesied, thousand years of peace that’s in store for our planet. What we’re talking about here, basically, is a changing of the guard. With the power structures that have been in place for thousands of years giving way to new more harmonious loving social structures that will benefit all humanity and not just a few. The year 2012 is not about destruction of the world but the birth and prosperity of the common man!

This year is our time! It’s our coming out party as a species. It is a celebration of our expanding notions of ourselves. That we are more than a commodity for corporations to sell things to. That we have a place in the universe. That we are Divine Galactic  Beings as well as Human Beings. And that perception will give us many more options as to how to live our lives. The year 2012 marks a time where anything is possible. A time where certain goals and dreams you have pursued are going to be fulfilled. It could be a year you experience a sense of satisfaction from having achieved something that you have been standing for, waiting for and believing in- for a long time!

Have You Had Your 2012 Event?

Everyone will have, what I call, a 2012 event! Contrary to popular opinion, Armageddons don’t always come in the form of Earth changes. The  year 2012 marks the beginning of a major shift in our spiritual evolution. And if you don’t do it voluntarily then the universe might force the issue. In short, if you go spiritual in 2012, you can go far! We’re talking  about the big ones: Cosmic Consciousness, Manifestation Powers, Shamanic Powers to command the forces of nature, to name a few!
What form these 2012 events might take, to encourage spiritual growth, will depend on the individual. For those that are more materialistic, going upside down in their houses, might be a 2012 event. For others, a lost of a job or a long-standing marriage. For those that are into spiritual growth you could have a shift in identity. Having profound experiences of becoming your Divine or Galactic Self. So set your goals high, Angels!

Join metaphysician and spiritual guide, Apollo, for Awakenings - The 2012 Conference! This will be a very special all day workshop that will show you how to take advantage of the powerful 2012 energies that are coming on the planet.

In this Workshop you will learn:

The Traditional Mayan Elders View of 2012
 Attain New Levels of Consciousness
Dimensional Traveling
Working in Light Body
Channeling Celestial Angelic Energies
Commune with Higher Spiritual beings
How to Get a New Vision of Yourself
Setting New Spiritual Goals
Find your Mission
Increase Your Psychic Abilities

Join us for this amazing day of powerful transformations!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Changing Your Soul Contracts

by Apollo


The international bestselling author Sol Luckman once wrote, regarding the laws of karma,”Contrary to popular misconception, karma has nothing to do with punishment and reward. It exists as part of our universe’s operating system only to teach us responsibility for our creations-and all things we experience are our creations.”

In many ways karma as it has been popularly taught has a similar characteristic to the Christian notion of sin which is about punishment. But the metaphysical notion of karma has more to do with the awareness that we create our reality and the lessons learned rather than that of punishment and retribution. This understanding stems from the mystical notion that there are no victims. That each of us create our realities and all of our experiences whether they be pleasant or otherwise. As the Dalai Lama once wrote, “Sometimes not getting what you want is an amazing stroke of luck!”

So when one speaks of karma one is referring to an agreement by a soul to take on certain types of experiences to learn lessons or to aide in others learning lessons. This is done for various, sometimes complex reasons. A set of karmic predestined life experiences agreed upon by an individual to teach certain lessons is what makes up what is termed as the Soul Contract. All of our experiences as a soul are recorded in what is called the Akashic Records and is referred to in compiling the soul contract in terms of what was learned in the past and what needs to be learned in the future.

In mystical traditions it is said that a soul stands before the Karmic Board just after completing a life and prior to incarnating into the next one. It is understood that when this process is undertaken in the worlds of spirit one is in a conscious state of awareness where these decisions of karma and contracts are made. However,  most upon incarnating into the earth plane enter into a state of unconsciousness where these agreements are forgotten. Indeed the soul contract becomes the blueprint that dictates the direction the life takes and the experiences the individual has. So the person is said to then be on automatic. Until he awakens. Indeed the whole system is ultimately set up for  the soul to one day awaken within the very incarnation it finds itself in and with the guidance of the higher self begins living off the grid, so to speak,or blueprint, where then one has the power to then “change” one’s soul contract!

It was the Dalai Lama again, who once wrote,”Always learn the rules so you can break them properly!” But having said that,when I speak of changing one’s contract, that is not a process to enter upon lightly. When considering such a move one has to enter into the awareness of the soul or one’s higher nature. As opposed to say the lower personality self that may want everything to be cushy. An example of this might be, though, your life may be real difficult right now the lessons you are learning maybe  worth it on a soul level. So you may decide to complete your contract. But say you are in an abusive relationship and you keep creating them over and over again. It might be time to renegotiate your contract with spirit.

Now in order to understand what the Soul Contract is one must understand what the soul is. The dictionary defines the soul as “the high-mindedness, courageous noble spirit; the inspirer or moving spirit of some action or movement; regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body” So the soul as distinguished from the body has a sort of separate life from the body, which is of the physical world. But the soul can also be distinguished from the earthly personality which is also for the most part conditioned and formed by this world. And it is from the place of the soul that one would re-negotiate one’s soul contract as the soul is a sort of parent to the personality. Unless you can align your mind, body, emotions and desires with a higher perspective you can’t function at soul level. As the soul level is more impersonal and sees the individual life from a big picture perspective.

Join us as we discover your soul contracts and explore your life’s themes and impulses uncovering your personal mythology and your true purpose in life! Metaphysician Apollo will lead you on an adventure in consciousness where you will be able to change and release long held belief systems, attitudes, relationships and crippling situations that may no longer serve you! This is an excellent modality for healing and spiritual enlightenment.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The PARANORMAL: Beyond the Veil!

by Apollo


Brian Bethal while parked in his car, was approached by two young boys who began tapping on his window and asking him for a ride. Brian almost opened the door to let them in when he noticed that they had completely coal black eyes.

In 2000 Deanne reported that after moving into her new home, she started having paranormal activity in the house to the point where she was unable to sleep properly due to being touched by some unseen force. During the day Deanne had incidents of missing items, unexplained noises, and hearing footsteps upstairs when no one was up there. She and her partner have seen shadows in the home also, as well as seeing many orbs floating around, along with flashes of light occurring at times.

Arthur E. Yensen, after being catapulted from his car after an accident laid there dying when he said, “Gradually the earth scene faded away, and through it loomed a bright, new, beautiful world - beautiful beyond imagination!  For half a minute I could see both worlds at once.  Finally, when the earth was all gone, I stood in a glory that could only be heaven.

The Halloween Season is a time when many cultures consider those that have passed from this world and other thoughts of the paranormal. Are ghosts real? Many people say that they want to believe that there is more to experience than just our current physical existence, especially wanting to believe that there is life after death.We see TV programs which seem to have captured spirits on cameras and other-worldly voices on various audio devices. Spirits and ghosts come in all shapes, sizes, and endless forms. These pictures and audio recordings are purported to be valid evidence of the supernatural world being real and all around us.

It seems most people have had supernatural experiences of one kind or another and subsequently have their own tales to tell of paranormal happenings in their lives, and they are now more willing than ever to share their true ghost stories with friends and family without feeling as if they will be ridiculed.This is quite a change from the not-so-distant past when people mostly kept quiet about any spooky events which may have happened to them, in order to either save themselves embarrassment from people’s taunting reactions, or else to save themselves from perhaps being considered unbalanced or mentally disturbed in some way.

Many people have seen shadows and heard strange noises that can’t be explained by any natural means, along with other odd experiences such as: strongly sensing an invisible entity intensely staring at them from across a room, doors opening and closing of their own accord, televisions turning on and off by themselves, or feeling cold spots even in otherwise warm rooms. Yet many of these same people who experience paranormal phenomena still don’t want to really believe that their houses could possibly be haunted until faced with the undeniable fact that after much investigation, no human or natural cause can be found to explain the occurrences.

Children seem very susceptible to being able to see spirits and ghosts, and also to the paranormal in general. An ordinary and common thing is for children to have imaginary friends. Most times this is nothing more than the child’s vivid imagination at play, but occasionally spirits are actually present and children are actually seeing or hearing entities.

Some people have experienced poltergeist activity where these spirits have physically come into contact with them. Luckily though, this type of poltergeists is uncommon.These types of noisy ghosts mostly make loud, banging sounds or play other types of pranks on people, including moving items from one location to another. One example would be seeing a coffee cup move across a table or other surface without any obvious visible force moving it, or alternately seeing the cup lift off from a table and smash into a wall.Many different beliefs are associated with this type of presence. There are a lot of disagreements and various views by paranormal researchers as to what the real cause of these types of hauntings may be.

This and other strange tales will be told as Vision Quest  presents, “The Paranormal- Beyond The Veil!”

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Native Tribal Spirituality

by Apollo


For thousands of years Native Tribal Peoples from around the world have practice the nature based spirituality known as Shamanism. It is a powerful, sometimes subtle, healing system that connects one with the healing forces of nature and the wisdom of the universe. Shamanism describes the process by which our tribal ancestors developed their abilities to connect with Spirit for transformational work.

Shamanism is a spiritual system, not a religion. It is based on the concept that we are all one with everything including nature. We are all spirit. We have the ability and the right to connect with the worlds of spirit. In the shamanic world view, everything is alive and conscious. Various techniques are used to contact and communicate with the inner world of spirit. Shamanism believes that there are beings, spirits that inhabit these inner worlds that can be helpful to us.

The term Shaman is actually a Siberian tribal word that basically describes certain medicine people who use altered states of consciousness to travel to the hidden worlds of spirit to obtain help and guidance for healing on all levels. There are Shamans in every tribal culture and they are called by many names. And every race and modern culture on the planet came from a tribal culture, including Europeans. The Druids are one such tribe from Europe who had different names for them, sorcerers, witches and magicians. Native Americans call them medicine men or women. Meaning that their gifts of healing is their medicine.

In recent years the term “Urban Shamanism” has come into vogue and speaks to city dwellers attempting to find a spiritual connection to nature in modern life and in the their own backyards. Urban Shamanism is the contemporary application of shamanic practices for use in healing, problem solving, self-discovery, and personal growth. It is a living, evolving system of healing. So it’s not all written in stone. It evolves with the individual practitioner. It evolves with modern sensibilities. This ancient connection to Spirit can bring useful and pragmatic tools to heal and transform urban people. It is our human birthright and our legacy. Shamanism gifts humanity with daily magic and powerful, daily communication with these divine forces of the universe.

Urban Shamanism also refers to the frustration of many modern urban city dwellers experience over the lack of teachers as most Native people guard their tribal teachings. So implied in the term, “Urban Shaman” is the act of going to nature directly and asking Mother Earth to train you herself! The writer was fortunate enough to have a couple of teachers come his way but for the most part I put myself in the desert, I put myself in the forest and I went within and asked nature to transform my life. It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Shamanic Journeying

To gain access to the inner worlds of the Shaman one must make a shamanic journey into the earth. These inner worlds are populated by powerful beings to whom one can request and receive help, teaching, protection, healing, and guidance. These worlds and the beings you meet are just as real as you and I are and can be a tremendous source of power! There are certain tools and techniques used for doing Shamanic Journeying that are the same throughout the world and throughout time. One such technique used to aide in the visiting of inner worlds is through drumming. It is known that the brain waves actually change when exposed to the type of Trance Drumming that is associated with shamanic work

Access to inner worlds is usually through a gate, cave, spring, or the roots of a tree or a large hole in the ground in a countryside, jungle, desert or watery environment. Nearby an animal should be found. If the animal is agreeable it will accompany or guide the shaman through the landscape and into the Earth, possibly to lead to other animals who can help. After a few runs, the animal can appear to the shaman during normal states of consciousness if necessary, or if the shaman wills it.

Shamanism offers the possibility of living in a world of magic and wonder. But not a made up one but a world that can impact one’s day to day life. Shamanism asks that you live a life that is aligned with and respects the forces of nature. Not because it’s good idea but because we are also a part of nature. And it is in nature that we can truly connect and channel the powers of the universe!

Native American Apollo from the Cherokee Nation will be giving a very special workshop to help you discover the Shaman within. Drawing from his own training and experiences and research from tribes around the world, Apollo will give you practical techniques for tapping into powerful Earth energies.