Sunday, December 1, 2013

Messages from Your Angel Oracle Cards

by Apollo


Just in time for the holidays- ANGELS! Newsweek magazine asserted in late 1993 that “angels are appearing everywhere in America.” Working with the angels has reached phenomenon status in the New Age Movement. We see angels everywhere now, even in mainstream society. Some of today’s most prominent magazines have run feature stories including Time, Newsweek, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Redbook magazine.At one time during 1993 five of the ten best-selling paperback books were about angels.

Today there are angels-only boutiques, angel newsletters and magazines, angel seminars and angel T-shirts, calendars, postcards, jewelry, and an angel Broadway play. In a poll conducted by Time magazine, 69 percent of American adults confirmed their belief in angels. Forty-six percent acknowledged a belief in their own personal guardian angels. Thirty-two percent claimed to have felt an angelic presence at some time in their lives.

So, who are these magical beings that have filled our imaginations with such wonder. Many types of spiritual beings can be described as angels. From the winged higher dimensional variety, to Extraterrestrials, to a relative who can act as a protector or spirit guide. In Native American traditions animals can act as angelic guides as well. But however you describe these beings they are capable of imparting powerful spiritual revelations, guidance and even work miracles if we know how to listen and work with them.

I believe that we are their charge. They are here to support us through the difficulties of human incarnation. They are here to reflect the goodness and the grace that lives deep in the heart of humanity. They are here to reflect our divine inheritance that is to be ours in this dawn of a New Age. And few have embodied there presence more than Doreen Virtue. She has developed a number of Oracle Card Decks with the classic Messages from your angels being my favorite. She says that, “ These cards are infused with the energy of Divine Light and Love.” Doreen offers a way to contact and to work with the angelic hosts.

There are many ways to work with the cards from just picking one and meditating on it to a number of spreads that can be used to communicate with the angels. She has all the familiar Archangels as well as some lesser known angels.

  • Daniel – the angel of Marriage and Relationships,
  • Azure – asks you to have Patience and Faith, what you desire is coming
  • Isaiah – says it’s a good time to give birth to new ideas
  • Celeste – says a new home or job is coming your way
  • Bridgette – says caution is warranted at this time and to look deeper

Working with angels is based on the belief that we are not alone in the universe. That Great Spirit has given us powerful beings of light to help us along the way. To provide healing and comfort when we need it the most and to keep that twinkle of hope and wonder in our eyes. Angels are there in our inspirations. They are there in a humming bird hovering just past our nose. They are there when a fresh cool breeze blows through us giving us just that bit of hope we need to get us through. They are there when a friend gives us a leg up when we need it the most.
For those that are ready to go deeper into the mystery of the angels and receive the guidance and counseling they  offer, Vision Quest presents The Angel Oracle Cards Intensive. Open to all levels, this Intensive Workshop,with your host Apollo, will be an advance study in not only how to read and interpret the cards but how to use them as magical tools for actually manifesting your desires! Discover how to interpret with precision and much more! Unlock the secrets of the angels with the magic of The Angel Oracle Cards! Join us!

Friday, November 1, 2013

How to Contact Your Spirit Guides

by Apollo

Deep within the mysteries of the spirit world, there are divine beings who have dedicated their light to the evolution of humanity in the personages of Spirit Guides.

What are Spirit Guides?
Spirit Guides can be human, angelic, ascended master, animal and other forms (that we are still discovering), who are assigned to us before we were born and who gently nudge and guide us through life. There are many ways to work with these beings of light & love allowing one to feel their presence, perceive their signs, and to communicate with them as they make themselves known to us. And everyone has a Spirit Guide as we were never meant to go through life without support and guidance.

Tribal View of Spirit Guides

Now, in tribal cultures to revere one’s ancestors who had passed from this world into the next, was a part of the daily fabric of life for the indigenous people. They believe that there is a seamless connection between this world and the world of spirit. That those in the world of spirit still participated in their lives just as they did when they were in the physical. In fact they became more powerful in how they could effect the goings on in the physical world.

It is said that if someone you knew, whether person or animal, who has passed-on, then you would now have an ally in the spirit world or what we call a spirit guide; a spirit that you could call upon to assist you in your life path by giving you advice or warding off danger from seen or unseen forces.

Transitions of Spirit

When a soul passes from the physical into the spirit world it is said that the spirit decides how to spend its time because it continues to evolve spiritually, and chooses how to do this. Some spirits decide to provide service to incarnated souls. In other words, to us. In this capacity, they provide us with guidance and support as needed to continue our own spiritual evolution.

These spiritual friends on the other side can ‘see’ more of what’s happening from the spiritual perspective and help give us gain insight and find guidance along the way.

Types of Spirit Guides

There are several different types of spirit guides depending on the individual and the culture you come from. You can also have more than one spirit guide as different ones serve different purposes and can come and go at different times in your life.

Some spiritual guides have known you from other lives and whom you might not recognize at first, but feel a connection to.

Guides in spirit-form can take many shapes and can even shape-shift into forms that you might be more comfortable with at first. Then later show you their true form when you are better able to handle it. Some guides are not even shaped like humans and can be balls-of-light (as an orb) or come in the form of geometric shapes.

When considering the world of spirit we must open our minds to infinite possibilities as the universe has an endless number of life forms.

Contacting Your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides can be very powerful.They can instigate situations in your life and can cause synchronicities to occur. They can heal and can manifest themselves into the physical, and push us out of the way from an oncoming car! There are many ways you can contact your spirit Guides through Meditation, Tarot cards, Pendulums, and by developing your psychic abilities.

You too can learn how to contact your spirit guides in a powerful class offered by Apollo called Meet Your Spirit Guides. In this class you will learn the many modalities that can be used to communicate with these magical beings for guidance, direction and spiritual illumination! Come meet your Guides and Angels with Apollo!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Learning to See and Work with the Human Aura

by Apollo

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every organism and object in the Universe. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This “auric egg” emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground. You can also expand your Aura to a larger size by intending it to do so. Say to fill a room. So the Aura is not limited to a certain size.

The human aura is constantly changing in shape like a flame or waves of hot air. Each person has an individual pattern and a specific mix of colors which is always present. For example, aura shape, size and color content are dramatically different for a sick person than that of a healthy person. As you become sensitive to etheric electromagnetic fields, you can learn to recognize an individual’s aura among hundreds of others, much like a fingerprint.

You may ask, well if we have this energy field around us, why can’t we see it? The reason why we cannot see the aura is because our eyes are acclimated and trained to perceive only things that are physical. We are not trained to see things that are in the non-physical worlds or the worlds of spirit. And that is where the human aura exists. For instance ghosts and spirits live in these non-physical worlds as well which is why most cannot see them. But psychics and clairvoyants have their ESP senses developed so they can see spirits as well as see auras.

These non-physical worlds we are referring to are called dimensions or parallel universes. In the science of metaphysics, the physical world is classified as the 3rd Dimension. The aura extends itself and finds its life in a spirit world known as the 4th Dimension or the Astral Plane. This dimension is right next to our own Physical 3rd Dimension. So, not only are we physical beings with a physical body, but a part of us is also extended into and expresses itself in this spirit world of the 4th Dimension. And that part of ourselves that extends to the 4th Dimension is called the aura.
What the Aura Shows
So you may be wondering “how do I express myself in the aura?” The aura in essence is an experiencing device just like your physical body is. The aura is the part of yourself that expresses your emotions. It expresses itself when you are thinking or when having spiritual experiences. The aura is in essence composed of several layers of subtle bodies or sheaths that contain and express these experiences.

These different subtle bodies can get wounded just like the physical body and can be healed by stimulating the etheric matter that makes up the aura. Shamans and healers heal the aura by bringing in higher light frequencies through their hands to heal parts of the aura that is weakened. This prevents the “disease” from lodging in the physical body which then cause sickness.

The Aura, your energy field, is a key to your personal power and your healing! Our resident Metaphysician Apollo will show you simple and yet powerful techniques to kick start your path to seeing, feeling, sensing the Auric Field, and how to work with it in vibrational healing using light, colors and sound as well as stones and crystals. Learn how to see the Aura with Apollo! Join Us!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The 2013 Spiritual UFO Conference

by Apollo

Here in this new millennium we find ourselves living in a time when believing in other life in the universe is now considered sane. And not believing in it is now insane. Chalk one up for the weirdos who knew all along!

The truth of the matter is the star people are here, they have always been here and frankly, they are not leaving. Since our governments won’t deal with them, at least publicly, I guess we’ll have to. That’s right, you and me. The common man, the grass roots, the tribes of mass humanity. We can either go dancing into the new millennium or resist and find ourselves suffering from our own ignorance and lack of vision. But either path will inevitably lead to the same conclusion, that we are a part of a vast cosmos of other advanced life forms.

ET has not and will not ever land on the White House lawn to announce their arrival. The government will never admit their existence! And NASA is just a stage show! So, all we’re left with is going round and round over the same thing.

In terms of contact, the next step in the UFO movement is the evolution of human consciousness. Many of these star beings are so advanced spiritually and otherwise that we would need to be more on their level to truly interact with them. They know that the very act of reaching out to them is an act of spiritual growth for a human person.

You want to know about ET’s? Go talk to the elders of the many native tribes in the world. They know because they have been dealing with them for hundreds of thousands of years. They will tell you that they are Family. That they are our family in the stars. That they are ancient relatives and they are here because they care about us like you would any member of your family. Few of us have known the kind of love and compassion many of these star races have for our family of earth humans. Living the ways of love and spirituality is the way of the cosmos and the guiding force that has drawn these Star races to us. 

The Star People have come to Planet Earth to help usher in the New Aquarian Age. The 2013 Spiritual UFO Conference was created with the belief that the next step in the UFO Movement is the expansion of Human Spiritual Consciousness. This will be a joyous  celebration of love and harmony between humanity and our family in the stars exploring spiritual ways to make contact with a line up of amazing speakers!  Join us!

Chief Golden Light Eagle - Appearances on Ancient Aliens,The History Channel and founder of the Star Knowledge Conferences, Golden Eagle will be sharing many Native American perspectives and
stories about the Star Beings! A rare opportunity to hear this well respected presenter on the Star Nations!

Kim Carlsburg - Kim is considered one of the top experts and consultants in the UFO field! Appearing on Ancient Aliens, The History Channel, National Geographic UFO Investigations, Coast To Coast with George Noorey, Inside Edition, and Sightings.

Jerry Wills - Jerry Wills is an accomplished Healer, ET Contactee and UFO Explorer. Mr. Wills tells an amazing story of his identity as an extraterrestrial from the Tau Ceti  star system. He will tell how he was visited regularly by Star People that briefed him on his extraterrestrial identity and his mission!

Pete Jackson - Pete Jackson is a Native Elder from the Gila River Indian Community. Because of current earth events he has been requested by other Elders to share native prophecy and knowledge of the Star Nations as passed down to him. Pete will be sharing his amazing contact experiences!

Apollo - Host and Master of Ceremony- he is an Award Winning Motivational Speaker and UFO Contactee. He has appeared on International Television and Radio shows, including KFNX News Talk Radio 1100 AM, and other UFO Conferences including MUFON and The Star Knowledge Conference, speaking about the star nations. Apollo will be speaking about The Spiritual Mission of the Star People.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Healing Yourself with Vibrational Energy!

by Apollo

Vibrational Energy Healing has been the primary health care system for people on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. After all there is no John Hopkins Hospital in the middle of the Amazon Jungle! Healing with Psychic Energy is based on concepts that have been long forgotten in contemporary medical practices but is now making a comeback. The reason being is that science has finally developed instruments that can measure how and why these healing modalities work and are now starting to use them along with mainstream treatments. There are many types of energy healing. They involve working directly with energy or vibrational fields, or use crystals, herbs, natural substances or acupuncture needles to facilitate healing.

Vibrational Energetic Healing is based on the intentional channeling of Universal Energies to restore the natural functioning of the body. Everything is energy in one form or another and so are we. We are composed of energy that is solid which makes up our physical bodies and more higher vibratory energy that extends from the body that makes up the Human Aura. All disease starts in the aura as negative thought forms and attitudes which, if not corrected, will eventually densify and move into the physical body and corrupt it. Psychics can see and sense diseased energy patterns in the aura and can apply a higher vibratory energy in the form of light to break up and dissolve them. In Vibrational Healing if you are sick you go to a shaman or healer. The practitioner takes her hands, that she visualizes as being lite with a certain color of light. She then will gently sweep through the auric field with her hands, much like a surgeon would with a scalpel to cut away that which is diseased.

So, in order to perform Vibrational Healing one must have a working knowledge of the Human Aura. Long ago, people could see Auras. Advanced spiritual people such as the Buddha and Christ were painted with golden halos around their heads. There are cave paintings many thousands of years old, depicting people with these golden halos. Everything in the Universe emits a vibration or aura around it. The Aura is like a measuring device reflecting the condition and consciousness of the object emitting it. The Aura consists of different layers referred to as “subtle bodies.” Each one of these subtle bodies are experienced by how we feel and think .There is the Emotional body, Mental body and the Spiritual body all of which make up the soul of an individual. All of these bodies exist on a subtle spiritual plane called the 4th Dimension with the physical body residing on the 3rd Dimension.

We know how to heal the physical body. We go to a doctor and they give us medicine. But how do we heal the subtle bodies? After all, we all have emotional and mental wounds too. Well, we have to step into the 4th Dimension and make a house call, as it were and the tools in our medicine bags are Intent and Visualization. So you Intend and Visualize channeling energy through your hands into the Auric field for healing. Energy in the form of etheric light can strengthen the auric field which is likened to an immune system.  A weakened Auric field makes you vulnerable to depression and stagnation which then translates in the body as disease.

Vibrational Healing in concert with traditional modalities have produced dramatic results in people. People have reported being cured of many ailments, including cancer! And anyone can do it with the proper focus and training! For those that are ready to take their healing into their own hands, Metaphysician Apollo will be conducting an all day Intensive Workshop in Vibrational Energy Healing. You will learn how to achieve Altered States of Consciousness to improve your skills at healing yourself and others through the use of Psychic Intuitive Powers! This will be an intensive study in Vibrational Power Healing, Aura Cleansing, Channeling Healing Energy, Working with Healing Angels, Diagnostics, Working with Crystal & Stones for Healing, Long Distant Healing and much more! Apollo will be giving free Healing Sessions! That day, regularly $20 each,VQ is offering 2 for 1 before and after Auric Photos!

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Art of Metaphysics

by Apollo

It is said there are two worlds. One physical and one spiritual. Both of which, operate, by different rules and with all of us having a foot in each. For most of humanity’s existence it has primarily been focused on the rules of the physical world or the world of mind. But as we move into this powerful cycle of spiritual evolution, the world of the mind can offer us few answers as to what it is we are going through personally as well as culturally. If we are to survive and prosper in these coming times we will need to look to the world from which we came, for answers- the World of Spirit.

Most of us are familiar with the rules of the physical world but many lack the knowledge of the rules of the spiritual world. Metaphysics is the science of the spiritual world. Meta meaning, beyond or after… physics meaning, the science or study of matter (i.e., the study of that which is beyond matter). In essence Metaphysics can be described as the “thinking man’s spirituality.” Since the spiritual world is our source, it is from there we draw our power to improve all areas of our physical life on planet Earth. From personal growth to making more money in our lives. From healing our body to attracting a love relationship.

All the world religions have deep roots in mysticism and metaphysics. It was later that dogma, rules and regulation of behavior, became part of the churches of the world and the suppression of the mystical nature of humankind began. Before Great Spirit became separate from us, looking down upon us from “heaven,” we experienced unity with Great Spirit.

There are some fundamental principles that define the study and implementation of Metaphysics:


Metaphysically speaking, since everything is made of Great Spirit, everything is Great Spirit. That means on some level of consciousness you are Great Spirit and I am Great Spirit. And we are endowed with the same creative powers of Great Spirit. Our walk, as spiritual beings, is the realization of this principle in our consciousness. The Ancient Credo: “Ye are gods!”


Since we are all gods in the making, we create our reality and are responsible for our experiences. We are each the captain of our souls. The more we can take responsible for our lives and not see ourselves as victims the more we come into our personal power.


Another fundamental principle of Metaphysics is that we are spirits that move in and out of physical bodies, experiencing different lives called incarnations. The understanding is that it is impossible to learn all the lessons one needs to attain Divine Consciousness in one life and that it takes many lives.


We are more than our 5 senses that regulate our physical experience. We have other senses that extend from and into the spiritual worlds. It is through the powers of our Extra Sensory Perception that allows us to interact with beings in the spirit world for guidance and direction. The process of spiritual growth encourages us to open our third eyes so that we would have revelations of consciousness.


There are many planes of existence other than our own. We can travel into these other Dimensions to tap into powerful energies for healing, visioning and spiritual revelation. Here we experience working in our Light Bodies allowing us to meet and interact with Celestial Beings who have fantastic powers! Once we learn how to work in Light Body we can travel the universe, heal our physical bodies and impact the 3rd dimension in many extraordinary ways.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Messages from Your Angels: Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Cards

by Apollo

Newsweek magazine asserted in late 1993 that “angels are appearing everywhere in America.” Working with the Angels has reached phenomenon status in the New Age Movement. We see angels everywhere now, even in mainstream society. Some of today’s most prominent magazines have run feature stories including Time, Newsweek, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Redbook magazine. At one time during 1993 five of the ten best-selling paperback books were about angels.

Today there are angels-only boutiques, angel newsletters and magazines, angel seminars and angel T-shirts, calendars, postcards, jewelry, and an angel Broadway play. In a poll conducted by Time magazine, 69 percent of American adults confirmed their belief in angels. Forty-six percent acknowledged a belief in their own personal guardian angels. Thirty-two percent claimed to have felt an angelic presence at some time in their lives.

So who are these magical beings that have filled our imaginations with such wonder. Many types of spiritual beings can be described as angels. From the winged higher dimensional variety, to Extraterrestrials, to a relative who can act as a protector or spirit guide. In Native American traditions animals can act as angelic guides as well. But however you describe these beings they are capable of imparting powerful spiritual revelations, guidance and even work miracles if we know how to listen and work with them.

I believe that we are their charge. They are here to support us through the difficulties of human incarnation. They are here to reflect the goodness and the grace that lives deep in the heart of humanity. They are here to reflect our divine inheritance that is to be ours in this dawn of a New Age. And few have embodied there presence more than Doreen Virtue. She has developed a number of Oracle Card Decks with the classic Messages from your Angels being my favorite. She says that, “ These cards are infused with the energy of Divine Light and Love.” Doreen offers a way to contact and to work with the Angelic hosts.

There are many ways to work with the cards from just picking one and meditating on it to a number of spreads that can be used to communicate with the Angels. She has all the familiar Archangels as well as some lesser known angels. Like these:

  • Daniel- the Angel of Marriage and Relationships,
  • Azure- asks you to have Patience and Faith, what you desire is coming
  • Isaiah- says it’s a good time to give birth to new ideas
  • Celeste- says a new home or job is coming your way
  • Bridgette - says caution is warranted at this time and to look deeper

Working with Angels is based on the belief that we are not alone in the universe. That Great Spirit has given us powerful beings of light to help us along the way. To provide healing and comfort when we need it the most and to keep that twinkle of hope and wonder in our eyes. Angels are there in our inspirations. They are there in a humming bird hovering just past our nose. They are there when a fresh cool breeze blows through us giving us just that bit of hope we need to get us through. They are there when a friend gives us a leg up when we need it the most. As my grandmother use to say when I was child, “Darlin’ angels have a way of making things right as rain” My Granny was usually right about such things…

Doreen Virtue’s, Messages from your Angel Oracle Cards are a powerful tool to make contact with the Angels! For those that are ready to go deeper into the mystery of the Angels and receive the guidance and counseling they have to offer, Vision Quest presents The Angel Oracle Cards Intensive. Open to all levels, this Intensive Workshop,with your host Apollo, will be an advance study in not only how to read and interpret the cards but how to use them as magical tools for actually manifesting your desires! Discover the secret power in the cards, learn to interpret with precision and much much more! Unlock the secrets of the Angels with the magic of The Angel Oracle Cards! Join us!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Reincarnation and the Afterlife

 by Apollo


So where do we go after we make our transition form this world to the next? Edgar Cayce was once asked if everyone has a different version of what heaven is who’s correct? His answer… “they all are!” Thus, according to Cayce, where you end up is based upon who you are and the beliefs you held about reality when you were on earth. Therefore, no matter how you were raised in terms of religion, there is some truth to what you have been taught about the afterlife.

The word “reincarnation” derives from Latin, meaning, “entering the flesh again.” It is the belief that after our physical bodies expire we, as souls, never die. We shed our external layer (our physical bodies) and though our energies transform, our thoughts, desires and spiritual levels remain with us.

Therefore, when we die, our spirit travels to another dimension or, what is known as, the Astral Plane. There are other planes and dimensions that exist beyond the astral as well. But in the astral dimension, there are three levels. In each of these levels are schools and classes to continue to grow and learn. For instance If you were a musician or an artists you would continue to be so. These realms are not unlike earth life but the sensations are more intense and powerful.

The 3 Astral Planes

The Lower astral planes are where individuals end up who have lived a life producing very low vibrations, or one would interpret living a dark life. It is not about punishment. The fact of the matter is, like attracts like. A life of producing low vibrations will attract you to a place that is low and dense, based on your thoughts, which in turn cause you to act. However, even when in this realm, we can learn from our past actions through the help of our guides and rise to higher levels.

The next part of the astral planes are the Middle astral planes. This is where the majority end up immediately after passing. Those who lived a relatively positive life but still had material attachments to an earth like life end up here. The realm here is extremely pleasant and would be considered “Heaven” to many. In fact the middle astral planes appears very much like clean and picturesque surroundings that we would see on Earth such as streams, green grass, beautiful buildings, birds flying, etc.

The last section in the astral plane is the Higher astral planes and is the least dense. This plane is free of any type of materialism and the vibrations here are extremely high. This is the plane that is filled with pure love, light and joy, and is actually a step closer to the next dimension, which is one of unity consciousness. In this next dimension it is the beginning of realizing the true nature of ourselves as spirit beings who are multidimensional. This is where many of the Ascended Masters and Angels exists.

The ultimate goal of our souls is to evolve to a state of grace and illumination and this kind of work will require multiple lifetimes to “get it right”, so to speak. Our souls know when the time is right to return to Earth to master lessons, balance karma, to heal or to carry out a unique mission. However, our souls do not just jump in and return. We actually must take the time in the astral planes to plan out our upcoming incarnations carefully by having in-depth discussions with our spirit guides who will be at our side during our upcoming life.

Once we are born, we forget what happened in the astral as well as what happened in previous lifetimes. This is because through experiences that we have, the goal is to make us remember who we really are, beings of light through those experiences! It is much like an athlete who is trained to perform at a certain level. But once he competes he in sense must “forget” his training and just do it. He must not over think his performance but experiences it as body memory. He then flows in the performance rather than thinking about it to much based on his memory of the planning and training he received. It is not enough to book learn them we must walk through life and gain knowledge through experiences which allows the lessons to get burned into the soul allowing the being to shift his or her vibration to rise to higher dimensions of consciousness.

Vision Quest is hosting a special workshop called, “Learning Your Past Lives” with our resident Metaphysician Apollo. By learning who we were in the past we can learn who we are now and who we can be in the future. What happens when we leave this world? What becomes of our soul, mind and personality? These and other questions will be answered as we explore the after life and the mysteries of Reincarnation. In this workshop you will learn how you can remember your past lives! Apollo will also be giving in class Past Life Readings! Join us for this special workshop!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Tarot and Psychic Development

by Apollo

The Tarot is one of the most ancient systems of divination on the planet! Historically no one really knows where the Tarot came from. Some say the Gypsies (who were named after Egypt, but are not actually from there) brought them to Europe from Egypt. And that they were a gift from the Egyptian god Toth. But the cards could have come from the time of Atlantis or beyond.

Just as you use a mirror to look at your exterior, we use the Tarot to look at our interior. It can be difficult at times to speak to our feelings and impulses as we are so close to them. The images on the card mirror the soul’s journey, offering us clues and hints as to the spiritual conditions in our lives. In using the cards we see our inner reality from new perspectives. It’s like talking to a good friend who can see things about us that we may not see ourselves.

The Tarot has been taught over the centuries in Mystery schools not only as a system of prophecy, but as a means to train students in Psychic Development and to exercise the right brain. This training gives students experiences in  gathering information about reality in non linear ways and how to tap into the mysterious forces of the universe that the rational left brain cannot fathom.
When you choose a card  the mysterious forces of the universe take over through the laws of synchronistic. It is synchronistic that the card was chosen and the card says something about you because YOU choose it.  And your choosing it means everything, just like other external things you choose in life. The cloths you choose to wear, the people you hang out with, how you decorate your home, all says something about you! So too, does the card you choose.

And, if the Tarot is nothing else, it’s about the telling of stories. Our stories. The stories of humanity. It speaks of great archetypes that run through the human drama. And the stories are mythological in its scope. It is said mythology is the training manuals of how to conduct one’s life. Through the adventures or misadventures of the heros in the story we learn something about ourselves. The Tarot uses the archetypal stories of humanity as an instructional manual for our own individual lives.


The Tarot is made up of basically two types of cards. The Major Arcana Cards and The Minor Arcana Cards.

The Major  Arcana

These cards tell the story of significant experiences and their presence in a reading can sometime mark a major movement in one’s life or a lesson to be learned regarding a situation. They can change the direction of the life of the person asking the question. They indicate the milestones in our lives, the major crossings, the major forks in the road, and the major decisions.

A few example of Major Arcana Cards:

  • The Fool: New beginnings in our lives.
  • The Priestess: Using our intuition.
  • The Tower: Major changes in or lives.
  • The Emperor: Taking leadership in our lives.

Examples of the Minor Arcana or Suits:

Wands, Cups, Swords, And Pentacles
These speak to everyday life situations rather than the milestones that the Major Arcana do. These may not be life altering but nonetheless are still important. You will see your pleasures, disappointments, conflicts, and achievements.

  • Wands: Concerns taking action
  • Cups: Deal with emotions and relationships
  • Swords: Thoughts, plans & communication.
  • Pentacles: Concerns the physical world, personal finances, etc.

The Tarot is a powerful tool for personal growth and insight. For those that are ready to go deep into the mystery of the Tarot, Vision Quest presents The Tarot Intensive.  Open to all levels, this Intensive Workshop will be an advance study in, not only how to read and interpret the cards, but how to use them as magical tools for actually manifesting your desires! Discover the secret power in the cards, learn to read cards without consulting a book, learn to interpret with precision and much more! Unlock the secrets of your inner world with the magic of the Tarot! Join us!

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Power of Crystals and Stones

by Apollo

Crystals and Stones harness the healing powers of Mother Earth. Everything in the universe is alive and so are crystals, each stone with its own personality and energy signature. When we work with crystals and stones we are working directly with Mother Earth. We relate to them so powerfully because our bodies are made up of the same elements that they are! Mother Earth speaks to us through her crystals and stones if we know how to observe and listen.

The use of crystals dates back as far as there are records of history itself. They were used in Biblical times, throughout Ancient Egypt, Rome and date to all ancient cultures. In fact the bible makes mention of crystals over 200 times! They have been used in medicine and health care, protection, magic and rituals, as offerings, currency, scrying (gazing for divination), for good luck and wealth as well as precious gifts and items of beauty. The actual word crystal comes from a Greek word Crystallos, from “Krysos” meaning “ice cold”, as it was originally thought that crystals were a type of ice that was so cold it would never melt.

Crystals in fact came from the period in history when the Earth was forming. The heating and cooling of the planet formed the magnificent crystalline objects we have today. Most crystals are formed mainly from silicon and oxygen, silicon being a most prolific element in the Earth’s core. When silicon and oxygen combine, they form silicon dioxide, which is also known as quartz. The other elements which are present during this combining of elements are what create the different types of crystals and contribute to its properties.

Over the years, uses for crystals have not really changed and they are still being used in the same ways as in ancient times. However, we do now have the modern-day benefit of discoveries such as the silicon chip for computer technology and quartz to power clocks and watches. The popularity of using crystals is spreading rapidly as we move into an era of open-mindedness and a willingness to experience different modalities in a search for “what works” for us as individuals.

How Crystals Work

It is a scientific fact that all matter is made up of energy, and that any object, be it a person, plant, a plastic pipe, grain of sand or body of water has energy within it and surrounding it. Energy resonates at a particular vibration, and for each object or thing, there will be a specific vibration. The human body is designed to function ‘properly’, and when it is doing so, each part of the body and particular emotions have their own specific vibrations. When the body or emotion is not healthy this vibration changes. Just like watching TV, if the waves from the TV signal are not tuned in properly, the picture and sound are affected. Crystals can help “tune in” the vibration for the human body as well as for other living things such as plants and animals.

This is called the Theory of Resonance. Crystals are set in their formation, so unlike the human body, they do not alter in their vibration and “get sick” or out of balance. This makes them excellent tools in assisting the body and mind as the crystals stays constant in its vibration and will therefore bring the body into line with the crystal’s “healthy” vibration.

There are many ways and places to use you crystals. They can be placed around the home, at your work place and on yourself or others. They can be used in pendulums and for scrying. You can use them to cleanse your environment, for protection, creating types of energy or mood, for healing and relaxation, to assist meditation, to attract positive energy or repel negative energy, and anything else your imagination can conceive. Crystals can be placed in potted plants or in you garden to boost the health and energy of the plants.

For hundreds and thousands of years stones have been regarded as having great spiritual and emotional powers. The energy level that crystals work on can be subtle or powerful depending on who is using them.  As you work with crystals more and more, you will become attuned to their subtle, beautiful energy.
Just being around them has a wonderful effect. To ‘tune in’ to the vibratory energy of crystals just takes a little effort and the rewards are great!

Join our resident Metaphysician, Apollo as he shows you how to harness the healing and magical power of Mother Earth through her stones & crystals! We are only just beginning to understand the powerful electrical oscillations emanating from crystals! Learn the use of crystals and stones in the art of divination and vibrational healing.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Vibrational Energy Healing

by Apollo

Vibrational Energetic Healing is based on the intentional channeling of Universal Energies to restore the natural functioning of the body. Everything is energy in one form or another and so are we. We are composed of energy that is solid which makes up our physical bodies and more higher vibratory energy that extends from the body that makes up the Human Aura. All around you, and throughout the entire universe, circulates the life energy. It exists not only as an energy field around every living thing, but also circulates through the earth, through the atmosphere around us and throughout nature. The flow of this energy connects everything that exists, and you, as a living being, are taking in this energy at every moment. You are always drawing this life energy into your own energy field, and it is this energy that can be used to heal yourself and others!

Vibrational Energetic Healing has been the primary health care system for people on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. After all there is no John Hopkins Hospital in the middle of the Amazon Jungle! Healing with energy is based on concepts that have been long forgotten in contemporary medical practices but is now making a comeback. The reason being is that science has finally developed instruments that can measure how and why these healing modalities work and are now starting to use them along with mainstream treatments. There are many types of energy healing. They involve working directly with energy or vibrational fields, or use crystals, herbs, natural substances or acupuncture needles to facilitate healing.

The Human Aura

In order to perform Vibrational Healing one must have a working knowledge of the Human Aura. The Aura is like a measuring device reflecting the condition and consciousness of the object emitting it. The Aura consists of different layers referred to as “subtle bodies.” Each one of these subtle bodies are experienced by how we feel and think. There is the Emotional body, Mental body and the Spiritual body all of which make up the soul of an individual. All of these bodies exist on a subtle spiritual plane called the 4th Dimension with the physical body residing on the 3rd Dimension. It is the Aura that healers work with in order to heal ourselves and others.

All disease starts in the aura as negative thought forms and attitudes which, if not corrected, will eventually densify and move into the physical body and corrupt it. Psychics can see and sense diseased energy patterns in the aura and can apply a higher vibratory energy in the form of light to break up and dissolve them. In Vibrational Healing if you are sick you go to a shaman or healer. The practitioner takes her hands, that she visualizes as being light with a certain color. She then will gently sweep through the auric field with her hands, much like a surgeon would with a scalpel to cut away that which is diseased.

In order to practice energy channeling you must first learn to bring a greater measure of the energy into your own energy field. You call in the energy by using your power of Visualization. Visualization will be one of your most important tools as an energy healer because it allows you to direct the energy with your effortless intention alone. To call in the energy, using visualization, you will “see”—in your “mind’s eye” or “psychic sight”—this energy begin to flow into you, from all around you, in greater and greater measure. You will also “see” this energy, as it flows into you, move through your body towards your shoulders, down your arms, and collect in your hands, so that you may then channel it into your own body or for someone else.

Vibrational Energetic Healing in concert with traditional modalities have produced dramatic results in people. People have reported being cured of many ailments, including cancer! And anyone can do it with the proper focus and training! For those that are ready to take their healing into their own hands, Metaphysician Apollo will be conducting an All Day Healing Circle Workshop in Vibrational Energy Healing. This will be a full day workshop and Healing Circle dedicated to healing your body, mind and spirit! Experience this beautiful day of powerful deep healing, with Ancient Vibrational Healing modalities while working with Healing Angels and Higher Dimensional Beings for rejuvenation! Learn advanced Healing techniques involving Channeling Healing Energy, Intuitive Diagnostics, Auric Healing,Long Distance Healing, working with Crystal and Stones and much more!  Apollo will be giving free Healing Sessions! Regularly $20 each,VQ is offering 2 for 1 before and after Auric Photos!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Science of Spirituality

By Apollo

It is said there are two worlds. One physical and one spiritual. Both of which, operate, by different rules and with all of us having a foot in each. For most of humanity’s existence it has primarily been focused on the rules of the physical world or the world of mind. But as we move into this powerful cycle of spiritual evolution, the world of the mind can offer us few answers as to what it is we are going through personally as well as culturally. If we are to survive and prosper in these coming times we will need to look to the world from which we came, for answers—the World of Spirit.

Most of us are familiar with the rules of the physical world but many lack the knowledge of the rules of the spiritual world. Metaphysics is the science of the spiritual world. “Meta” meaning, “beyond” or “after” and “physics” meaning, “the science or study of matter.” Thus, the study of, that which is beyond matter. In essence, Metaphysics can be described as the “thinking man’s spirituality.” Since the spiritual world is our source, it is from there we draw our power to improve all areas of our physical life on Planet Earth; from personal growth to making more money in our lives; from healing our body to attracting a love relationship.

All the world religions have deep roots in mysticism and metaphysics. It was later that dogma, rules and regulation of behavior, became part of the churches of the world and the suppression of the mystical nature of humankind began. Before Great Spirit became separate from us, looking down upon us from “heaven,” we experienced unity with Great Spirit.

There are some fundamental principles that define the study and implementation of Metaphysics:


Metaphysically speaking,since everything is made of Great Spirit,everything is Great Spirit. That means, on some level of consciousness, you are Great Spirit and I am Great Spirit. And we are endowed with the same creative powers of Great Spirit. Our walk, as spiritual beings, is the realization of this principle in our consciousness. The Ancient Credo:”Ye are Gods!”


Since we are all Gods in the making, we create our reality and are responsible for our experiences. We are each the captain of our souls. The more we can take responsible for our lives and not see ourselves as victims the more we come into our personal power.


Another fundamental principle of Metaphysics is that we are spirits that move in and out of physical bodies, experiencing different lives called incarnations. The understanding is that it is impossible to learn all the lessons one needs to attain Divine Consciousness in one life and that it takes many lives.


We are more than our 5 senses that regulate our physical experience. We have other senses that extend from and into the spiritual worlds. It is through the powers of our Extra Sensory Perception that allows us to interact with beings in the spirit world for guidance and direction. The process of spiritual growth encourages us to open our third eyes so that we would have revelations of consciousness.


There are many planes of existence other than our own. We can travel into these other Dimensions to tap into powerful energies for healing, visioning and spiritual revelation. Here we experience working in our Light Bodies allowing us to meet and interact with Celestial Beings who have fantastic powers! Once we learn how to work in Light Body we can travel the universe, heal our physical bodies and impact the 3rd dimension in many extraordinary ways.


In Metaphysics it is believed that information about life can be gleaned from certain ancient Divination Systems. The understanding is that great cosmic forces reflect processes in our individual personal lives. Any serious exploration in Metaphysics must include a study in Astrology,Tarot,Numerology and The Destiny Cards. These systems are hundreds and thousands of years and were used by the Masters to train disciples in psychic development.

For those that are ready to immerse themselves in their spiritual work, Metaphysician Apollo has designed 4 week course called The Metaphysics Intensive–A Master Class, that will give you a deep fundamental understanding of the many aspects in the field of Metaphysics to kick start a study that will last a lifetime.